16 | Taranaki: BOON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Community voice key Notable local buildings with the BOON signature include the Bellringer Pavilion (above), and Yarrow Stadium (below). from page 14 E N G I N E E R I N G Notable local buildings through the decades with the BOON signature include the New Plymouth clock tower, Puke Ariki (New Plymouth’s combined museum and library), Huatoki Plaza and TSB Stadium. With recent involvement in significant local projects including Mawhitwhiti Marae, Pukekura Park, Bellringer Pavilion, Yarrows Stadium East Stand, Spotswood College, TDHB Project Maunga Stage 2, Owae Marae, WITT and Green School NZ. “The scale and breadth of projects that come through our office is unique to us and linked to our regional location,” says Erin. “From working on aquatic centres to workplace interiors and small renovations, no two projects are identical.” BOON’s talented team includes some born and bred Taranaki designers who moved away to study and hone their craft before returning to New Plymouth. “There is something about this place that draws you back,” she says. “Taranaki has it all: mountain, sun, surf, music, an awesome arts scene and friendly people. Our innovative and resourceful team also includes some special imports from Columbia, South Africa, India, Brazil and Argentina, all adding their own diverse vibe to our culture at BOON.” For a number of years now, BOON has been a mentor for the Accelerator programme, run by Taranaki Futures, to help connect with and inspire potential future designers in the local region. “As well, we regularly partake in wānanga and hui with a variety of students to give them insight on the design career pathway.” With people at the very centre of their ethos, BOON works to ensure there is respectful, transparent and honest engagement on all projects. Much of their work is in early-stage planning used to connect the public and stakeholders. “Community voice within our projects is very important. We also see smart partnerships as key to successful outcomes. Our involvement with important developments across Aotearoa can be attributed to building relationships, with community and integrity as pillars of this.” BOON is currently working on the Tūparikino Active Community Hub project at the New Plymouth Racecourse, with their design partners, (Tennent Brown + Isthmus Group). This exciting new regional hub is poised to boost activity, wellbeing and equitable access to sport and recreation across Taranaki. “This is a thoroughly collaborative project with multiple stakeholders. We are very proud to be lead design consultant on this important local project aimed at bringing people together and improving wellbeing.” BOON welcomes the project’s focus on equitable access. As Erin points out, architecture and design is for everyone and a public space such as this will be successful if it is welcoming and enjoyable for all.