| 23 Wellington: Whittaker’s REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Pest Control Experts Wellington pest control company Kwikill Environmental Services aims to establish trusted long term relationships with clients. “It’s a personal service. We really get to know our clients’ businesses. Some of our relationships, such as J H Whittaker's Chocolates, go back to when Kwikill Environmental Services started in 1982,” says company owner Mike Hermansson who has over 50 years international pest control expertise. Kwikill Environmental Services provide pest management and biosecurity quarantine fumigation services to companies and businesses throughout the greater Wellington area, Manawatu and Wairarapa in the food processing, education, accommodation and hospitality industries to name a few. Because Kwikill technicians are fully qualified Compliance Certified according to the Hazardous Substances & New Organisms HSNO Act 1996, licensed fumigators, and registered as professional technicians with the Pest Management Association of New Zealand (PMANZ), this gives clients, such as Whittaker’s, confidence, says Mike. “We design and provide pest management programmes that follow the code of practice for pest management in food processing for Australia and New Zealand. In addition we abide by PMANZ Code of Ethics which sets the framework for professional values and principles,” explains Kwikill service manager Paul Blades who has over 30 years industry experience. Kwikill Environmental Services is a Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) approved fumigation treatment provider and part of the National Biosecurity Capability Network, a joint initiative between the MPI and AsureQuality. The NBCN is New Zealand's field team in a biosecurity outbreak further demonstrating the professionalism of Kwikill Environmental Services and its reputation in the industry. Mike says that Kwikill Environmental Services recognises that customer demands are always changing and therefore embraces and practices sustainable non-toxic pest management at all times where possible to meet food manufacturing HACCP Risk Management Plans and the new codes and standards out of the United Kingdom and European Union such as Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU). “We continually update our technical knowledge with training from industry conferences and training programmes,” he says. Mike and Paul say that Kwikill Environmental Services is different as it is locally owned and operated and long established. “We are faithful to our clients and personal service is important; our clients deal directly with us, not a sales rep or call centre. That’s part of the reason why we have customers such as Whittaker’s who we have been helping for so many years and we are very proud to have them as a major client and look forward to servicing their needs into the future.” The Cocoa Lovers Collection starts with the Single Origin Samoan 70% Cacoa up to the Single Origin 92% Ghanaian Dark Chocolate.