Business Central October 2022

| 33 Feilding Health Care Health care expansion Feilding Health Care can now offer additional services to the local community after a major renovation. Karen Phelps REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Broadway Radiology Feilding. Located within Feilding Health Centre. 7 Duke Street, Feilding. X-RAY & ULTRASOUND SERVICES AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT P: 06 357 9079 E: BRL@BROADWAYRADIOLOGY.CO.NZ WWW.BROADWAYRADIOLOGY.CO.NZ Servicing our community within the Feilding Health Centre since 2015 LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Feilding Health Care has just expanded enabling it to offer additional services to the community and facilitating new career opportunities. The old Clevely Ward of Feilding Maternity Hospital, on the site adjacent to Feilding Health Care, has been renovated to provide additional clinic rooms and allied health services including physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and the community mental health service has moved from the main clinic into the new extension. Leased to Feilding Health Care Property Management Ltd, both buildings are owned by the Manawatū Community Trust on land that remains the property of Te Whatu Ora. Feilding Health Care GP Dr Nicola Barrack says the expansion will be beneficial for the community. “For example, there was no women’s health physio in Feilding before this expansion and people had to travel to Palmerston North. Also being able to expand our general practice in terms of GP/nursing services will hopefully enable patients to have better, faster access to services.” Feilding Health Care has flourished since opening in 2016 and now has over 20,000 patients registered. Within the one centre patients can access a diverse range of health services including radiology, phlebotomy, district nursing, oral health and a community pharmacy as well as the additional services listed above. It employs approximately seventy staff across general practitioners, nurse practitioners, nurses, health care assistants and the administration team. Feilding Health Care is owned by nine GPs and their CEO and is governed by a Board of Directors made up of four GP shareholders and two independent directors. Nicola says that Feilding is a rapidly growing community and is a great place to live, work and raise a family. She is a case in point. Originally from Auckland Nicola was drawn to Feilding by her husband, who is in the air force, and has no regrets about moving from the big smoke. “There are lots of pros. Feilding is small but it has the facilities of a bigger centre. It has cafes, restaurants, hardware stores, two supermarkets, movie theatre, schools, parks, playgrounds, a pool and of course Feilding Health Care.” Nicola cites other positives of Feilding such as the community vibe with its strong interconnections and proximity to centres such as Palmerston North, Wellington, Hawkes Bay, Taupo and New Plymouth. It has diverse industries including agricultural, military, Fonterra, freezing works, and wind farms. Coming from Auckland, she has found the cost of living is less and time spent stuck in the traffic has reduced. Feilding has also won the most beautiful large town in Keep New Zealand Beautiful awards numerous times. She says that the staff at Feilding Health Care are very proud of their centre and were finalists in the 2021 Primary Health Care Awards in the Total Healthcare General Practice category recognising the contribution and achievement the centre has made to the district. Nicola says Feilding Health Care has openings for GPs, nurses, and administration staff. “I think Feilding Health Care hugely benefits our patients as a one stop shop. We have a team approach and are accommodating to staff for their family commitments.” Nicola says CEO Nicky Hart is another good reason to work for Feilding Health Care. “Nicky really is amazing; she’s very innovative, adaptable and open to listening to staff suggestions. She stays a step ahead of the game and is constantly looking for ways to improve systems. This makes for a great work environment.” Feilding Health Care is continuing to expand its presence in the region and is shortly opening a brand new clinic in Ashhurst.