| 35 Manawatū: AFFCO Manawatū Nga Roimata Howden started as a process worker and has been placed on a development programme. Nga Roimata has completed her Diploma in Meat inspection and is currently working as a Company Meat Inspector - she s also a competent butcher in many of the traditionally male positions on the beef chain. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT SensorX Accuro Unbeatable product quality, consistency and margins marel.com Marel is recognised as a global leader in transforming how food is processed in the poultry, meat and sh processing industries. By providing tailored solutions, services and software to their customers, Marel is supporting sustainable production of high-quality, safe and a ordable food. Guided by their core values of unity, innovation and excellence, Marel’s groundbreaking solutions provide a guarantee of safety, traceability and quality throughout the supply chain. For Marel, innovation is fundamental to success. By committing seven per cent of their annual revenues to R&D, they are able to regularly bring unique, market-changing solutions to commercial reality. Marel is proud of the transformation it is bringing to leading meat processing sites in New Zealand, such as AFFCO Manawatū where Marel installed and commissioned a Sensor X Accuro system. Using industry-leading X-ray technology and a sophisticated grading algorithm to analyze whole muscle and trim, this system allows for various end products to be created with precision and ensures the plant is getting the most from its raw material. “When you’re a food exporter you have to meet very tight specs,” says Andrew Voke, Marel Regional Sales Manager Oceania, Meat. “The Sensor X Accuro system has been a real game changer for the market in both New Zealand and Australia.” In addition to project management, installation and commissioning services, Marel delivered full training with the installation at the Fielding plant for operations and maintenance sta , plus cleaning crew. “Marel also provided tailor-made process consultancy,” says Andrew, who adds that this ensured the plant’s operator was con dent about how the new equipment would tie into existing critical processes. As well as providing a comprehensive service level agreement for systems such as this and process consultancy, Marel is moving into the virtual world. “The aim will be to further reduce ramp-up time and help our customers improve process results with real data simulations.” Marel has an extensive global sales and service network. In New Zealand, Marel has an o ce in Auckland and employs eld service engineers and software engineers to support their important installation base here. Marel supplies end-to-end solutions in the sh meat and poultry industries, tying it all together with their software product, Innova. “AFFCO Manawatū installed a Marel Trim Management system in its Boning Room in 2019. This technology has enabled the plant to ne-tune and manage the fat content of the product to consistently meet customer speci cations. Marel provided excellent support during the commissioning of the equipment and software and continues to support and enhance the needs of the business.” – Ann Nuku, Plant Manager AFFCO Manawatū CONTACT Marel, Auckland T: 0800 162735 www.marel.com Transforming food processing with innovation