Business Central October 2022

| 37 Manawatū: AFFCO Manawatū REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Ethan Lawton started as a process worker at Affco Manawatū and has been placed on a development programme. He is currently working as Environmental Compliance Officer and studying for his Bachelor of Science through Massey University . That’s why we go anywhere Drug and alcohol issues a ect workplaces everywhere Whether you need workplace drug testing, pre-employment testing, drug education and training classes, or substance policy design services, TDDA goes where you need us, when you need us. Visit or call 0508 3784 8378 to learn more. Accredited to AS/NZS 4308:2008 and compliant to AS/NZS 4760:2019 Industry Standard. FPE - offeringmachinery & line solutions to the food and pet food industry. Representing industry leading international brands. X-ray product inspection for contaminants and chemical lean Mechanical handling—weighing, mixing and lifting in euro bins Skinning and trimming for yield optimisation +64 7 850 4175 (06) 873 5350 115 Elwood Road, Tomoana, Hastings 4172 (06) 873 5350 115 Elwood Road, Tomoana, Hastings 4172 Tomoana Warehousing is a leading transport, warehousing and third party logistics provider to importers, exporters and manufacturers nationwide. Can do. Will do. TOMOANA WAREHOUSING TRANSPORT