Business Central October 2022

| 39 Manawatū: Property Brokers Palmerston North REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Growth has been cultural, not strategic Kelly Deeks Tim Mourdant: “In the provinces, it’s all about relationships – with our clients, with our families, with our communities.” 027 972 1069 | | Insulation Specialist Manawatu, Levin & Whanganui region With offices all around New Zealand, you still won’t find Property Brokers in Auckland, Wellington, or Christchurch. Rather, the nationwide firm has proudly serviced the real estate needs of provincial New Zealanders since 1986, and now has a team of more than 850 people working in more than 85 locations throughout heartland New Zealand. Property Brokers was formed when Tim Mordaunt and Don Brown purchased Michael Gray Real Estate on Broadway Avenue in Palmerston North, and its head office is still proudly located there. Managing director and Tim’s son Guy Mordaunt says Property Brokers’ growth has been cultural and not strategic. Like-minded people have simply approached Tim and Guy over the years and the next minute, another branch is being set up in another small town. “In the provinces, it’s all about relationships – with our clients, with our families, with our communities,” Tim says. “We want to see them thrive. We are a positive and active contributor to growth.” And the Manawatū is thriving. During the first Covid lockdown, a group of local stalwarts got together to form the Orange Group, saying the region was going to need a cheering squad after lockdown. “We came out of lockdown and they had nothing to do,” Guy says. “We have a lot of Government work here, and a lot of infrastructure. Now inflation is through the roof, but employment is high, and we think we’re in a pretty good place here in the Manawatū.” Property Brokers itself has pretty much doubled in size in the past three years and was number one in rural real estate last year. With the rural real estate season starting in spring and commodity prices looking looking good, this year looks set to be no different from last. While real estate volumes are down across the country, Guy says they are down from a ridiculous high so it’s just about back to normal. “A normal real estate market is good for us. People gravitate towards the best agents, and we have a head office with marketing, training, and IT support. “All of that support links in and we think the next year is going to be pretty good, regardless of the residential market.” Vendors who enlist a Property Brokers sales consultant actually engage the whole local and national team. There is a powerful machine behind every sale, with the collective grunt of Property Brokers’ sales team, state of the art marketing, “A normal real estate market is good for us. People gravitate towards the best agents, and we have a head office with marketing, training, and IT support. “ technology and systems, allowing Property Brokers to offer a service that is unrivalled across New Zealand. Sales consultants are now operating in a buyer’s market and they adjust their processes accordingly. Having come off a housing boom unlike the country has ever seen, where the lack of supply was doing all the work for real estate, the curve is now swinging back towards the buyers. “We’ve got to make sure our clients are at the top of the list.”