Business Central October 2022

| 43 TOMRA: 50th anniversary HORTICULTURE TOMRA Food further cemented its place in the market by purchasing BBC Technologies in Hamilton, which complemented Compac’s offering with technology focused on the smaller types of fruit, such as blueberries. Modular Conveyors Ltd, specialize in the design and manufacture of conveyors and components for the materials handling industry. A systems Integrator and OEM Partner servicing; Automation • e-commerce • food processing • material handling • metal working • packaging • medical • pharmaceutical industries. Specializing in custom build projects, standard conveyor modules, parts and accessories including but not limited to: • Rollers of various diameters, lengths and materials • Various motors, drives, drive bands, line shafts, universals, and other sundry parts • BDR, DC Roller, Belt Slat chain and Flex move conveyors • Incline and decline conveyors • Gravity fed & Spiral conveyors • Infeeds & outfeeds • Merges & Transfers • Vertical elevator design solutions Exclusive agents in NZ for Apollo and Kyowa. There are a lot of opportunities for business to use conveyors to increase productivity and e iciency within their operations, says Modular Conveyors Limited (MCL) general manager Mark Fisher. “Conveyors can be used by anyone that needs tomove product around to ixed points within a business. Conveyors canmove items not just horizontally but also vertically, releasing workspace underneath. We see ourselves as strategic partners providing solutions that help our customers operate their businesses better.” MCL is a privately owned and operatedmaterials handling manufacturing company specialising in the design andmanufacture of conveyors and components. The two directors of the company, Phil Cooper, and Patrick Collins, o er over 40 years of combined experience in the material handling ield andmaintain a hands-on approach to the day to day running of the company. MCL’s manufacturing facility is based on Auckland’s North Shore where an experienced sales team is supported by a design department utilising SolidWorks and AutoCAD, combined with an MRP system speci ically designed for project based engineered andmanufactured solutions. Mark says that one of the key successes of MCL is the experienced production teamwhose ability tomeet deadlines and remain quality driven is second to none. Most of MCL’s work is customdesign projects and it can undertake most aspects in-house including weldments, machining, itting MCL: Your go-to team and assemblage works across various types of conveyors such as DC roller, BDR, belt, incline, decline, spiral, divert, merger etc. MCL is the exclusive agent for Apollo and Kyowa in New Zealand. “We produce deliberate and detailed products as there are a lot of aspects to consider in delivering complex setups,” explains Mark. While prior to the pandemic MCL focused on the international market, closed borders opened opportunities closer to home, in particular with signi icant client Tomra Fresh Food | Compac. MCL works with this client to provide conveyor systems to work in with Tomra Fresh Food | Compac’s product handling equipment. Mark says conveyor projects such as this can be complex including food grade handling requirements and di erent belt technologies etc. But MCL’s experience in providing conveyor components, modules, and solutions for materials handling applications across di erent industries, including palletising, carton handling, food, dairy and beverage, means it has the expertise to take on the most challenging jobs. Marks says businesses both locally and internationally are investing in their plants after key industries have seen massive growth during the pandemic as demand surged for certain product lines during lockdowns. Mark is proud that the majority of MCL’s business is fromword-of-mouth referral from satis ied clients who recognise the company’s superior ability to deliver complex custom solutions for systems integrators and OEMs.