Business Central October 2022

| 79 CJW Build BUILDING Sue Russell Just over 20 years ago Craig Wallace set up CJW Build. He cut his teeth as an apprentice builder at Fosters in Hamilton and then, once qualified, took the opportunity to head overseas, have adventures and build. When he came back he stepped out on his own and through successive years, CJW Build has steadily grown. Today, he has a team of nine, enabling the company to be undertaking more than one build at a time. “With all the pressures we have at this time, having got through Covid and then with supply chain and cost increases, it’s important we’re able to utilise the team really well and have no down-time,” Craig says. Craig always has apprentices among the team and during his time building he’s been satisfied to see many go on and make great careers from their building skills, through to project management and beyond. The team includes four site supervisors and apprentices are spread around to each have good opportunities to learn from those much more experienced. Of late, CJW Build have been constructing their own frames, due to huge demand for pre-built given the building boom being experienced in most parts of the country, including in the Waikato, where CJW Build mainly focus their projects in. One build near Tirau has been judged supreme winner in the 2020 Waikato region Master Builders House of the Year Awards. Craig says he remembers the project for several reasons, including a very engaging client to work for and an excellent design developed by architect Noel Jessop. “We also were able to input some ideas which added value. We have built a number of homes designed by Noel Jessop and we have a very good working relationship,” Craig explains. He says he enjoys working with architects because they view design as a passion and produce fabulous, challenging and very well thought-through designs to build. The award home not only took out the Supreme title but four other awards: Regional Category Winner, Regional Craftmanship Awards, Lifestyle Award, Lifestyle Award (Outdoor Living). ‘Spectacular’ home an oasis for owner to page 80 With wonderful views overlooking Lake Karapiro, Mangatautari and north up the Waikato River, the home has a 40metre long, 5metre high ‘spine’ from which other spaces evolve in either direction. From the front door, a wave ceiling designed and built by CJW Build travels the length of the spine, adding dynamic visual interest and breaking what would be a very large open space. The placement of the spine leads ones eyes out toward the river and the living spaces that open up from concealed access off the spine serve to keep the dramatic entrance in focus. The black patterned exterior is visually stunning while large sliding doors either side of the main living area open up more views. Proudly supporting CJW Build Your first choice for Painting Contractors in the Waikato region. 0800 555 535 or 022 061 4946 PO Box 355, Hamilton C O M M E R C I A L | R E S I D E N T I A L N E W B U I L D S | R E N O V A T I O N S