Business Central October 2022

86 | Shane Stone Builders Ltd BUILDING Clever homes that move to you Russell Fredric to page 88 Becoming a Clever Living Co. homes approved builder has been a great move for Whanganui business Shane Stone Builders. Of the company’s approximately 45 staff, seven work full time producing Clever Living Co. affordable removable homes on its site, and in doing so are creating the ability for people to live in a brand new, warm, healthy home. Business manager, Jodi Bunker says Shane Stone Builders have been building Clever Living Co. homes, since 2019. Their designs are the intellectual property of Bunnings who also supply the materials for them. Plan options range from one bedroom to a two story duplex and include six bedroom seasonal accommodation that sleeps up to 12 people. Jodi describes Clever Living Co. homes as stylish and modern with sizes and designs to meet individual needs and budgets. “Shane’s long relationship with Bunnings gave him the opportunity to sign up to become an approved builder for a concept that he really liked, and with no one around in the region doing anything like this at the time, was perfect.” “Whether you want a compact or family-size home, you can choose from a range of high-quality options with spacious open-plan living and balanced indoor/outdoor flow. It makes building an affordable, healthy home possible at a reasonable cost.” One of the most popular options is the 82 square metre, two bedroom Suffolk plan which can be build for around $270,000 including transport to site. A common reason for people choosing this plan is to make good use of part of a large section while for some, it has provided accommodation for extended family. Clever Living Co designs come with an MBIE MultiProof approval for a faster building consent which helps speed up overall process. Despite their affordability, the homes include an innovative range of materials and accessories and interior and exterior colours are customisable as are fittings such as tap ware. “When they are finished the clients are absolutely in love with them. We include them all the way through the process, they are welcome to come in at any stage, they really get involved in the build which is extremely important because at the end of the day it is their home.” This level of client care and professionalism is fundamental to the business and is evident in the glowing testimonials provided by clients as well the many Master Builders awards achieved during the past decade. 127A London St, Wanganui 06 348 8077 / 027 631 1608 edmondspainting Proudly supporting Shane Stone Builders