| 89 Smith & Sons Builders Hamilton BUILDING Simple, three-step approach suits clients Sue Russell Smith & Sons Builders Hamilton specialises in renovations and extensions. Charlie Robinson, owner/operator of Smith & Sons Builders Hamilton franchise says enabling clients to have the most enjoyable experience while renovating, remodelling or extending their home is what drives him and the team. To achieve this a simple three-step approach has evolved, helping guide all the important conversations and processes along the way. “We’ve made the process as simple as possible, knowing often our clients initially are uncertain as to the best course of action as they contemplate renovating their home. They have lots of questions and we’re there at each step to provide really practical information to help inform decisions,” Charlie says. The first stage is ‘design’ which works towards ultimately confirming what construction will take place and the project’s budget. Concept drawings developed help clients visualise the look and feel of the proposed changes to their home. Smith & Sons Builders has its own team of designers capable of preparing A3 size scaled plans. Once these are agreed upon, then the second stage happens. “The planning stage is where we really step in and get into the detail, interfacing with Council and submitting all the paper-work for consenting purposes. We’re very skilled at understanding local Council building regulations.” Once consents have been given, a review of costs takes place, to ensure any increases in cost of materials, is factored in before construction gets underway. Charlie likes to think of the work he and the team do as essentially problem solving; finding solutions to meet clients expectations on their vision, while working sensibly within budget. The last stage is construction where Smith & Sons Builders oversees the building schedule, interfacing and timing various trades involved and ensuring the budget parameters are maintained and the project delivered on time. As the owner/operator of the first Smith & Sons Builders franchise in New Zealand, Charlie was involved in developing the threestage process used nationally. Working with him is a team of ten, including currently three apprentices. “We feel really strongly about training apprentices. It’s the only way to ensure the growth and health of the building industry. Especially doing the sort of work we take on which is often very complex in nature, we think our apprentices get the very best opportunities to develop important building skills, not always found when apprentices are engaged in building new homes.” Asked how busy the future is looking Charlie says the business has a significant amount of work, carrying them through for at least 18 months ahead. “By nature, we’re dealing often with projects that can take six or seven months in the planning stage to get things finalised, so our work is quite dynamic in the sense that we will have several projects at various stages on the go. “We’re used to working at this pace and understand its really important that clients have plenty of time as we bed down the detail of their project.” Charlie’s key roles are to procure work ongoing to ensure there’s plenty there to keep the team busy and to also support the onsite supervisor. “My brother works in the business as well. He helps sign-off on the quotes and we also employ a Quantity Surveyor.” Charlie also feels strongly that the current system of apprenticeship training places a lot of responsibility on the building business owner. “Back when apprentices went off to do block courses or night class, and were taught by trained teachers, I think that worked much better. “Builders, such as myself, are competent at building but don’t necessarily have the skills to teach all the theory, maths and calculations well.” He also feels that builders drawn to doing remodelling, upgrades, extensions and the like have to understand what it is like, often to be working on a home project while the owners are living on site. “That, in itself, adds a further dynamic to how we go about our site work. Those building new homes don’t have that issue to face. These are all skills and capabilities, as a builder, you grow through years of experience.” “We feel really strongly about training apprentices. It’s the only way to ensure the growth and health of the building industry.” CREATE YOUR DREAM BATHROOM Our showroom consultants can help you through every step of the process. with the Mico Hamilton team. 59 Lake Rd, Frankton | 07 847 9079 Book a Free Consultation today Let’s start the conversation | call 07 855 1828 | 386 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton charlie.robinson@smith-sons.co.nz | or visit smith-sons.co.nz R PlaceMakers (07) 838 0716 HAMILTON CITY TE KUITI (07 ) 878 8149 MORRINSVILLE (07) 889 8057 Proud to be associated with Smith & Sons • Plumbing • Gasfitting • Domestic • Commercial • Hot Water Systems • IQP Backflow Testing • Service & Maintenance • Alterations & Renovations “For all your plumbing & gas fitting requirements” Craig Ferguson 027 965 5187 office@riversideplumbingandgas.co.nz www.riversideplumbingandgas.co.nz Dan Thomas 027 422 2103