| 143 T T Karen Phelps New centre meets evolving needs The Garry Day Centre is an extension of the school’s existing gymnasium. Scots College COMMUNITY In a significant step towards accommodating its growing student body and evolving educational needs, Scots College in Wellington has officially opened its latest addition - the Garry Day Centre. Named after a former student, this stateof-the-art facility marks a new chapter in the college’s 108-year history. “Over the last few years, our student roll has increased significantly, and we needed more space. Additionally, our transition to co-education created new requirements for our facilities,” explains Scots College director of marketing Wendy Hughes. The Garry Day Centre, which officially opened its doors on July 26th, is an extension of the school’s existing gymnasium. It boasts two extra classrooms, a weights room, staff work areas and girls’ changing rooms - all designed to cater to the college’s growing and diversifying student population. Wendy credits the key role contractors played in delivering the successful project, including LT McGuinness, Corley Construction, Athfield Architects and project managers, The Building Intelligence Group. “The centre is already being used extensively by our students,” Wendy says. “It’s not just about providing more space; it’s about creating an environment that supports our vision of delivering a future-focused education where students thrive and realise their allround potential.” The expansion also aligns with Scots College’s mission to deliver a personalised, holistic education. “Our guiding principle has always been to attend to the needs of individual students,” says Wendy. “The additional space and facilities provided by the Garry Day Centre allow us to continue this tradition as our student body grows and diversifies.” The new facility is named after Garry Day, a former Scots College student, who attended the school from 1951 to 1957. His generous bequest made the construction of the centre possible, embodying the spirit of giving back that Scots College instils in its students. “Garry Day’s contribution is a testament to the lasting impact Scots College has on its students,” says Wendy. “His legacy will continue to benefit generations of students to come.” Scots College has a rich history that spans over a century, rooted in a tradition of academic excellence, character development, and community engagement. It was founded as a Presbyterian Boys’ College in 1916 by the Rev. Dr James Gibb (chairman of the Board of Governors 1916-1928) and the Hon. John Aitken (vice- chairman of the Board of Governors 1916-1921). After introducing co-education in the Senior School in 2020, the college expanded this model to the Junior and Middle Schools in 2021, achieving full co-education status in 2022. “The introduction of co-education has been incredibly positive,” says Wendy. “A co-educational environment benefits both boys and girls, preparing them for a diverse and inclusive world beyond our gates.” Wendy sees the Garry Day Centre as a catalyst for further growth and development at Scots College. “A growing roll allows for further investment in the curriculum and those delivering it,” she says. “It strengthens the educational experience for all students, current and future, with the opportunity to develop staff numbers, support programmes, facilities, and course options across all three schools - Junior, Middle, and Senior.” Professional • Reliable Affordable • Friendly 0800 NO PRESSURE admin@nopressure.co.nz www.nopressure.co.nz PLUMBING GASFITTING DRAINAGE We’re a professional and reliable company priding ourselves on our quality workmanship and satisfied customers like Scots College RENOVATEWITH CONFIDENCE PLANNING | PROJECT MANAGEMENT | CONSTRUCTION M: 027 687 6360 | www.corleyconstruction.co.nz New Builds Renovations Maintenance Commercial WHAT WE DO Proudly Supporting Scots College 027 4 ON TO IT (027 4 66 86 48) stu@ontoitelectrical.co.nz fb.com/ontoitelectrical ontoitelectrical.co.nz