| 87 Building, measured and nailed. Your building project should be as individual as you are. Rob May is bringing back the golden era of building, while providing forward-thinking innovation. We create strong, beautiful, unique buildings, that reflect who you are as an individual, and elevate the whole community. Visit our website www.robmay.builders 0274 589 856 sales@robmay.builders Book a consultation today! Rob May Builders has just completed its rst project for Arvida at Lauriston Park. “Rest home projects require a lot of people power on site so half our team was based there for the duration of the project,” says Rob May Builders’ owner Jono McCullough. “This project shows while we are a small rm we punch well above our weight. We delivered to time frames, on budget and to a high quality.” The company has previously completed a number of resthome projects and Jono says Rob May Builders is in demand due to the high quality delivered on time and on budget. He says Arvida’s organisation of the Lauriston Park project was excellent ensuring everything owed well. “They are a brilliant company to work for. It’s outstanding from a builder’s perspective, their attention to detail and quality is amazing.” Jono, a quali ed builder with a background as a contracts manager, and wife Paula started Rob May Builders in 2005. The couple has lived in Cambridge for over 30 years and the company name re ects the middle names of the couple’s eldest two children. Rob May Builders focuses on design and build new homes, individually tailoring each home to suit clients’ needs. The company also renovations, additions and general maintenance projects including restoration of old villas. Rob May Builders also completes light commercial projects. Jono says it is its team of around 20 that sets Rob May Builders apart. Jono boasts 37 years of experience as a builder, helps run jobs and is on the tools as well. It’s rare for a company owner with the number of sta Rob May Builders has to still be on the tools, he says, but it’s what keeps the standards of nish so high. He is supported by operations manager Chris Guzzwell and foreman Cam van den Broek overseeing projects, and wife Paula takes care of the administration side of the business. “The skillset our team has is way more than most building companies and because we cover a massive market that skillset is so important,” he says. “It’s meant that Rob May Builders has a proven reputation for producing a high standard of work as well as providing outstanding customer service across a wide range of building projects, from new homes to historic restorations, residential and commercial projects.” He says that Rob May Builders is committed to improving the building industry, working with organisations such as the Registered Master Builders Association, Site Safe and BCITO to provide better outcomes onsite, safer working practices and an up-skilled workforce. This gives clients peace of mind knowing that the company is meeting the high standards required of Master Builders as well as o ering the 10-Year Master Build Guarantee. At present Rob May Builders has just completed a 600sqm home and a 380sqm home with another of similar size underway. It is about to commence a 420sqm passive home. As award winning builders, the reputation of Rob May Builders for innovation, planning and proactively managing issues on site is what sees it selected to work with top quality clients such as Arvida. “At Rob May Builders we aim to set the standard and work with clients who like to do the same. That’s why it’s been such a privilege to work on Arvida’s Lauriston Park and deliver such a great project to the client and ultimately the people who will enjoy living there.” Punching above their weight