38 | Resilient business HORTICULTURE Ardmore Nurseries T T Sue Russell Growing for retailers and landscapers for 50 years sales@ardmorenurseries.co.nz PH: 09 292 8661 ardmorenurseries.co.nz 33 Coles Crescent PO Box 72-016, Papakura 2244 T 09 299 6596 E reception@robbix.co.nz • Business Advisors • Rural Specialists • Chartered Accountants Proud to be associated with Ardmore Nurseries Empowering freedom, clarity and purpose in business For proof that the earth can indeed be rich and abundant, look no further than the over 1000 different plant species growing at Ardmore Nurseries in Clevedon, north Auckland. Ardmore Nurseries has been on this particular plot of land for over 50 years, though the roots of the business go back further to when current owner Kara Beaumont’s grandfather Harry Beaumont first began propagating plants. Today, Armore Nurseries is spread over 14ha of fertile land and produces plant product for sale to retailers and to commercial and residential landscapers throughout New Zealand. Kara says the business has always been very resilient. “We produce a very diverse range of trees, plants of all forms and sizes, suited to a wide array of conditions and situations. This naturally gives the business its strength as trends come and go.” Brother Richard co-owns and operates Ardmore Nurseries with Kara. Both carry the title of Manager and that structure works well. It’s meant Richard can take time away from the business and go to Ireland where his wife Dervla originated while daily life at the nursery continues uninterrupted. Kara says she’s reasonably hands-on, being on site every day and talking to the various teams. “We have a good structure operating with teams with set responsibilities and tasks. We have a propagation team, a potting team, a field team because apart from growing in pots we actually grow a lot of trees in the field,” Kara explains. Photos: Cam Hay The Ardmore Nurseries team. Below, field trees are lifted and the rootball is wrapped in hessian. Once the field trees are lifted the root ball is wrapped in hessian. Kara says this is a way the nursery supports the environment by reducing the amount of plastic used in the business. A dedicated customer-service team engages with landscapers and retailers to ensure they receive what they want and on time. In total, Ardmore Nurseries has a team of just over 40 working on site. Kara says that for the last 20 years there has sadly been a lack of a strong apprenticeship programme for those seeking to work in the nursery industry. As a result, for entry-level staff she is looking for a good work ethic and a good team member. The majority of sales go to the landscaping sector and these professionals are looking for specific plant qualities. “If they are putting plants into a new subdivision for instance, they are looking for plants that are easy to grow and are going to keep looking good and are easy to maintain. We can advise landscapers as to what we think would suit their purposes well.” As Kara puts it – the skill set is around a sense of practicality and the environment in balance. There are pastoral health benefits also when people grow and live with plants in their environment. “Our team feels good about producing a product which is so good for our mental health. Particularly through the Covid lockdowns, people have a new appreciation of how plants and gardens can improve their frame of mind.” Ardmore Nurseries piloted the ‘Plant Pass’ programme, designed to ensure that plants produced are suited to the environment they will go to and not become a pest. “It means we are not selling plants in a region where it could become a problem once established. “The other aspect of ‘Plant Pass’ is that the plant isn’t carrying any pathogens such as the invasive fungus myrtle rust. Plant Pass enables traceability within the sector. Being part of the pilot programme was a good thing Kara says because it caused the business to look at its record-keeping as SOP’s more. “We changed some of our practices as a result.” For the last eight years Ardmore Nurseries has been working with the Kazen Institute, an organisation dedicated to the pursuit of continuous improvement in practices and outcomes. “We’ve applied their framework to our teams and its been great for engaging them in the business.” A frost control system ensures plants are not vulnerable and Kara says its been great to observe people really valuing the place of plants and trees in the environment. “Trees and plants are the lungs of our cities and we are proud to contribute to environmental gain.”