| 107 ASAP Contracting Hamilton home renovation and maintenance business ASAP Contracting has carved out a niche doing repairs, maintenance, renovations and extensions. BUILDING Daniel Neal says being based in Otorohanga is a good situation for his small teamin terms of their outreach in thedistrict. “Otorohanga is handy tomost parts of the Waikatodown to thenorthernKingCountry, west toKawhia and inland toMangakino. Our radius tends tobe about 1hour travelling time and thatworkswell for us.” He established the business 12 years ago and today employs two qualified tradespeople and two apprentices. Kiwitown Electrical offers general electrical services including appliance repairs. Daniel says working for companies likeHamilton-based ASAP Contracting offers hima solid supply of work. “We are called in towork on some of their school projects, on upgrading and development ofMarae’s around the region. The last 12months has been very busy for us and our plan definitely is to continue to grow.” Daniel says one of the key issues facing the electrical industry is lack of tradesmen, however he says his own situation at this time is very positive. “One of our apprentices has less then 12 months to go before fully qualified and the other is about 2 years out. With two qualified electricians supporting their learning andme equally one the tools and inmanagement they are doingwell.” Training involves attending night classes in Te Awamutu. Kiwitown Electrical — For fast, quality local electrical service Looking aheadwith amore strategic eye, Daniel has just employed an administration support person, leaving him free to take onmore of amanagerial role and towork on honing processes further. The electrical sector is a continually evolving space as new technologies are developed, so for Daniel, ensuring he and the teamare kept up to date on new thinking is important. Askedwhy the company has established a strong presence, in a competitive space, Daniel says it comes down to having a great teamon board, who all care about providing clients with the very best service offering possible. “It’s word of mouth that brings clients to our door. We strive to ensure that every jobwe do is a really positive experience for our clients and that means responding quicklywhen the call comes in.” A24-7 emergency breakdown service means farmer clients and thosewith vital businessmachinery can access support with a phone call. Andwhen not busy on the tools or supporting the teamand overall running of the companyDaniel enjoys contributing to the local community. He’s a 14 year volunteer withOtorohanga Fire Services. “It’s important to give back to the community that support us, sowe sponsor a local football club and various community groups that helpmake this town the special place it is.” Whether it’s replacing a light bulb to installing the power point for your new big screen TV, we can do the wiring for your new renovations or wiring of new houses. Commercial, Rural, Appliance Repair--Kiwitown Electrical is here to help with all your electrical needs!