| 25 Kingston Group - Hakarimata Road Development Physical work for Stages 2 and 3 commenced in August 2022. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT of the project. The land had significant heritage value and was recorded as an archaeological site. While engagement with the local hapu and iwi was part of our resource consent, it was also the right thing for us to do, and has been a really enriching experience.” Peter acknowledges that a positive attitude, and a willingness and sensitivity from the development group towards working with the local Iwi and hapu groups led to huge success in the development. “Jodie Hansen, from Harrison Grierson who were involved in the development planning, has been fantastic in this area. She has been proactive with iwi and hapu groups, ensuring that all interested parties have had a chance to be heard and engaged with. She worked closely with TK George, from Taupiri Marae.” Representing the iwi and hapu groups on the Hakarimata development project, TK George also had a close relationship with the land as his marae, Taupiri, is almost directly across the river from the development site. Key interactions with the iwi and hapu groups included on-site meetings during due diligence, a Powhiri at Taupiri Marae, Karakia before breaking ground on each stage, and road name discussions and confirmation. “Of most significance was the discovery of some ancient human remains during site excavations, which was quite unexpected. “This was swiftly and respectfully taken care of by TK, in conjunction with the site archaeologist, who ensured there was great care taken and the process of uplifting the remains was undertaken appropriately and sensitively.” Peter says that in latter stages of the development a Pou, a carved wooden post used by Māori to mark places of significance, will be erected along with an information board and lookout point that will tell story of the land. SOLUTIONS WITHOUT SURPRISES Specialist consultants in quantity surveying and project management ANZ Building, Level 2, 527 Victoria Street, Hamilton 3204 | PO Box 12664, Chartwell, Hamilton 3248 Phone: 07 839 4423 | Jason Smith Mobile: 0210 2176 484 | jason@ecsgroup.co.nz GET IN TOUCH QUANTITY SURVEYING | PROJECT MANAGEMENT | DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROUDLY SUPPORTING KINGSTON GROUP CIVIL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES WE MAINTAIN AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION BY ENSURING EVERY PROJECT RECEIVES THE HIGHEST ATTENTION TO DETAIL, NO MATTER THE SIZE PO Box 57 Cambridge 3450 | 027 240 2502 civilcs.co.nz | john.macdonald@civilcs.co.nz M 022 6800 436 E brendan@elevationsurveyors.co.nz W www.elevationsurveyors.co.nz Proud to be working with Kingston Group on this project GEOTECHNICAL | ENVIRONMENTAL | OBSERVATION hdgeo.co.nz Smart thinking for projects, safe ground for people