| 55 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN LAD Architecture LAD is professional members of the Architectural Designers New Zealand (ADNZ) and has been national winners at the ADNZ Design Awards in the past. It takes a high-performing team to build a high-performing home. B E A U T I F U L LY C R A F T E D , C O N S C I O U S LY B U I LT Excellent communication, exceptional workmanship, conscious and future-focused building philosophy, locally owned and operated. These are the non-negotiable attributes that set us apart. With every build, we apply our meticulous approach, operating to the highest standard and stopping at nothing to achieve the home you deserve. If it’s a high-performing home your after, our high-performing team can help. Call Shaun on 022 610 7144 or go to higgsbuilding.co.nz 31 Oliver St, Cambridge. With a vision centred on the well being of Kiwis and the environment, Higgs Building Co. is pioneering the construction of high-performance homes that rede ine living spaces. “Our homes o er superior comfort, energy e iciency, and a reduced environmental footprint, aligning with the growing need for sustainable housing in New Zealand, says company director Shaun Higgins. A high-performance home, as envisioned by Higgs Building Co., goes beyond traditional standards. It is designed to function well without requiring a lot of energy staying cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, making for comfortable living year-round. Higgs Building Co. sets an even higher standard with its certi ication as a Passive House builder, which means homes can meet stringent energy-based criteria to achieve the passive house standard. The company also builds more conventional homes but always with an eye as to how they might include energy e icient techniques and materials to bene it their customers. “Housing in New Zealand has faced criticism for being energy-ine icient and less than environmentally friendly. Even new homes often fall short of providing warmth and dryness,” says Shaun. It was this observation that led to the inception of Higgs Building Co. by Shaun and wife Vanessa who aimed to revolutionise the construction industry by o ering new homes and undertaking renovations that prioritize the health of people and the planet. High performance specialists Formance Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) forms a key component of building an energy e icient home. Higgs Building Co. is a preferred build partner for Formance, Certi ied Passive House Builders and members in the Passive House Institute NZ (PHINZ). “SIPs are a proven, prefabricated building system that creates high-quality, energy-e icient, and sustainable homes,” says Shaun. “They o er exceptional insulation, ensuring that residents enjoy a warm, comfortable, and healthy living environment. Energy e icient homes mean less expensive power bills and, in the long run, it also makes for a healthier environment by reducing energy consumption.” Key partners, such as LAD Architecture, are a vital component of delivering energy e icient homes, in particular in the Bridleways Estate, a subdivision in Cambridge that is bringing high performance features into homes. “By working with the architects early on with the design, through careful planning, eliminating ine iciencies and saving cost, we can create better homes for a similar cost,” says Shaun. “Our vision is for every Kiwi to live in a high-performance home, it’s better for our people and better for our environment. We are committed to o ering an alternative to traditional construction methods, making New Zealand a better place to live for the present generation and a brighter, more environmentally friendly future for generations to come.”