Business North December 2024

12 | Extension major boost for region Construction was carried out by a Fletcher – Acciona Joint Venture with the new motorway officially opened in June 2023. T T from page 10 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2024 CCNZ Awards: Northern Express Group The NX2 Group is made up of New Zealand and overseas firms with considerable experience in the design, construction, finance, maintenance and management of major infrastructure projects. The principal partners in the consortium are Accident Compensation Corporation, Morrison, Acciona Concesiones S.L., Fletcher Building Ltd, Acciona Infrastructure Australia Pty Ltd and The Fletcher Construction Company Ltd. Under the PPP contract, NX2 financed, designed, constructed, managed and will maintain the Pūhoi to Warkworth motorway for 25 years following its construction. Full ownership of the highway will remain with the public sector. PPPs allow large and complex projects to benefit from private sector innovation and funding which can increase certainty of delivery and give better value for money. Ara Tūhono Pūhoi to Warkworth is an ‘availability’ PPP, which means that payments are not linked to traffic volumes. The PPP consortium will be paid for making a safe road open and available to traffic. Another key partner in the successful delivery of project was Hōkai Nuku, the authorised voice of four Iwi and Hapū mana whenua – Ngāti Manuhiri, Ngāti Mauku/Ngāti Kauae of Te Uri o Hau, Ngāti Rango of Kaipara and Ngāti Whātua. The motorway’s name, Ara Tūhono was gifted to the project by Hōkai Nuku and means a connecting pathway (Ara meaning pathway/ passage and Ara Tūhono means connecting or linking one part to another). Hōkai Nuku, Waka Kotahi and NX2 worked together to ensure the values and historical significance of the project area were reflected for generations to come through the creation of mahi toi artworks. A number of carvings, silhouettes and pou whenua line the new motorway and these mahi toi were designed and handcrafted by artists appointed by Hōkai Nuku. Recognising the cultural identity and values of mana whenua, and acknowledging and expressing their traditions and relationships with their ancestral lands, water, sites, wāhi tapu and other taonga is an integral part of the project. The first piece installed on the project was He Huihuinga Rangatira, a collection of silhouettes depicting gathering rangatira chiefs and is situated near the Ōkahu inlet area that was home to generations of mana whenua. Reipae lives at the northern end of Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Warkworth Motorway and was unveiled ahead of the new motorway opening.        Our Service has no Boundaries Excavation, Rock-Breaking, Commercial Site Works, Underground Earthworks, Truck Hire, Plant Hire, Drilling, Earthworks, Tipper Works. Operating for 66 Years this December 4 Generations of Fowler’s (09) 2767446 or 0800 HARDROCK (24/7) Otahuhu, Auckland