| 39 T T Virginia Wright Transparency the difference, software the key Shorcom uses an online platform that keeps constant track of all of the physical things that happen on site, as well as all the financial information sitting behind them. Shorcom “Typically, if you go to a building company who does your project and they go under your project goes under with them, whereas with us instead of one fixed-price contract with a building company there might be 50 different fixed-price contracts for all the different functions.“ REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Owned by Anthony Corin, Shorcom Ltd is a project-management company which he says operates differently from any other company in the industry, simply because it is 100% transparent. Anthony explains: “We tell the truth about what goes on. Every other project-management company charges a percentage fee based on cost, which you could argue incentivises them to increase the cost because they get more fees, whereas we estimate what it’s going to cost and that determines our fee and that doesn’t go up.” To determine that fee, and keep the costs in line with what’s been estimated, Shorcom uses an online platform that keeps constant track of all of the physical things that happen on site, as well as all the financial information sitting behind them. All stakeholders can log into that platform and see for themselves what’s happening in real time from anywhere in the world. Shorcom Ltd began in 2019. It’s a new take on work that Anthony had been doing for several years working with other companies, all sharing that fundamental principle of transparency. Having run an open-book, at-cost, joint-venture development with an equity partner with the understanding that they would then share the profits, Anthony had some customers who weren’t interested in the joint venture, but wanted the project management with its online system. Shorcom was the result, charging a fee and using the online software as part of the job. Anthony himself also owns a property-development company and a construction company, but regardless of which hat he’s wearing, transparency runs across them all. At the heart of the transparency is the software Shorcom leases for $1000 a month, which is used by 25,000 users worldwide and which comes with the added advantage of being continually upgraded and updated behind the scenes, thus ensuring that Shorcom remains at the cutting edge of their field with their particular approach. The software makes Anthony’s job of critical-path management a lot easier (who does what when, using which materials, to achieve which milestone etc.), and underpins every facet of managing the building site to a successful conclusion on time and on budget. The other constant with Shorcom is their analysis and avoidance of risk. Every element of the build is subject to a fixed-price contract arrived at through a (transparent) tender process for each function, whether it be the joinery or the wiring. “Typically, if you go to a building company who does your project and they go under your project goes under with them, whereas with us instead of one fixed-price contract with a building company there might be 50 different fixed-price contracts for all the different functions. “Operating transparently brings a whole lot of advantages like that, which we hadn’t worked out before we did it, including the efficiencies, which mean that when we add up the tenders it comes out at 30% less than the full market rate,” says Anthony. That’s also a function of Shorcom’s success. With $220 million worth of projects in the pipeline, those tendering can quote for supplies at a volume that brings a good discount with it. Shorcom brings together Anthony’s skills as an engineer, his years of experience in construction, and his 40 years of learnings in Shorinji Kempo martial arts, which he now teaches. It’s a style of kung fu based on Buddhist principles with the aim of helping each other grow and learn and to train leaders. “It’s for the health of the body without causing injury and to have the strength to defend your family, defend yourself, but also when you see something bad happening in the world to try and do something about it,” says Anthony. Anthony Corin It’s not hard to see the origins of Shorcom’s transparency, which brings a dose of healthy good practice into what can be a messy, risky business. Mitre 10 MEGAWestgate & Henderson Proud to support Shorcom Ltd WESTGATE HENDERSON