Business North February 2024

20 | Reach from Auckland to Taupo General freight, including curtainsiders, makes up about half the Normans fleet. T T from page 18 Normans employs a team of 80 including qualified and apprentice mechanics, experienced warehouse operators and cadets, specialised Hiab and swing-lift truck operators, general freight drivers, the management team and support staff. Normans Transport REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Your Business, Your Industry, Your News. Each edition priority delivered to your door. i i i i li . . t f . . / i ti 03 983 5525 Stay informed; we work with business owners and decision-makers across all economic sectors, profiling their success. t i f r ; r it i r i i - r r ll i t r , r fili t ir . businessnorth • Truck Parts • Trailer Parts • European & Japanese • American Parts • Jaltest Diagnostic Equipment Contact us on 0800 404 100 for your parts requirements. Proudly supporting Normans Transport “We service the Waikato to and from the major ports and our geographic reach is from Auckland down to Taupo. “Transport has three divisions; container trucks for imports and export which makes up about half of our fleet, general freight including curtainsiders which makes up the other half. “Then we have six flat deck trucks, three of which have hiabs. We have a history carting over-width loads including large machinery and portacoms. We still have one log truck, which is Dad’s passion and that does seasonal work, but has been modified so that in the off-season it can cart containers. We run around 20,000sqm of RMP warehousing over the three sites in Morrinsville and Hamilton and we offer both short term, and long term storage.” Adam explains that RMP is required if food products, and particularly dairy is being stored. “We’re not limited to just dairy and food products though. That’s a core piece of our business but we can store anything that is compatible. The warehouses are controlled under strict hygiene rules.” Normans employ a team of eighty including qualified and apprentice mechanics, experienced warehouse operators and cadets, specialised Hiab and swing-lift truck operators, general freight drivers, the management team and support staff. “With our general freight fleet we have truck that range from full truck and trailer units, right down to small parcel trucks. So we can offer Class 1 – 5 licence trucks. That means we can bring in young people and train them through those licences. We’re also spending quite a bit of time on succession planning at the moment. Despatch and management are key roles in the business, and they are the hardest roles to cover. “So we are actively looking for that talent within the team.”