Business North February 2024

88 | Diversity on display Signature Homes Waikato has attained Signature Homes Franchise of the Year for the third successive year. Signature Homes Waikato T T Sue Russell BUILDING Andrew Buttimore, one of three directors at Hamilton-based Signature Homes Waikato says the last five years has evidenced the very cyclical nature of demand in the residential build sector. “Covid was certainly a struggle but we decided from the outset to concentrate on delivering the highest possible quality of communication to all in our team, to our clients, suppliers and within the network of Signature Homes businesses throughout New Zealand and this approach worked really well,” Andrew reflects. Understanding the hesitancy to commit to projects when so much seemed uncertain and also realising that once this time was through, Signature Homes Waikato were well prepared for the ensuing boom in demand that came. When Business North spoke with Andrew early November, two show-homes were under construction, one in Cambridge at Bridleways Estate where five further builds are planned alongside future stages of House and Land availability and one in Rototuna North in Hamilton’s north-east quarter. “These two show-homes have different price points to give the market a sense of the diversity of our plans.” The economic situation impacting availability to access home loans from banks is something Andrew always keeps a close eye on. He expects there will be a further small increase in interest rates charged on borrowings. He’s also pleased that a change in government is giving property developers and home buyers a sense of more stability and certainty, in what has been a challenging market to navigate in recent years. Having attained Signature Homes Franchise of the Year for the third successive year is something Andrew and the other Directors is especially proud of. The business was thoroughy assessed in all aspects of its workings to achieve this accolade, something Andrew says reflects on the quality of people and systems the business has on board. “We have a particularly strong and collaborative culture here, where each person has the opportunity to advance professionally. We look for natural strengths people carry and its a very supportive, positive environment to work in.” Fellow directors, Keir Bettley and Jamie Buttimore take on specific responsibilities, with Keir overseeing the financial and general manager portfolios, while Jamie works takes care of managing construction and ensuring sites have everything they need to ensure a build proceeds smoothly once underway. Andrew assumes more of a directorship role, looking after design, QS and the more strategic elements outside the residential construction sector. Signature Homes Waikato relocated 6 years ago to its current site on Hamilton’s busy Te Rapa Strait, a location Andrew says gives the brand a prominent position and easy access for clients to visit. One strength, Andrew says, of the franchise network, is the quality of support each business receives from the national support office. “Each franchise determines its own path but we know we have the backing of the support office.” When clients first make contact, they are put in the care of a dedicated sales person who begins the conversation to ground design ideas and explains the build process. Once a project is at a signifiant stage the design team step in to ground the floorplan, visit the site the home will be built on, in the case of a design and build. “We have a seamless process where the clients hand is held every step of the way, we move at their pace. They understand the steps we’re taking from initial conversations to secured design and then on to build.” Signature Homes Waikato offers prospective clients an array of already designed floor plans from which changes can be make to suit individual taste. “We see our set floor plans as the beginning of a conversation. As a way to present some ideas for clients to think about to create exactly what they seek in their home.” Andrew says he’s looking forward with confidence to 2024 springboarding on the level of interest Signature Homes Waikato is currently enjoying. BACKEDBYOURDOMINATOR PROMISE Dominator Garage Doors 07 847 5527 Available 24/7 Waikato wide Your Business, Your Industry, Your News. Each edition priority delivered to your door. i i i i li . . t f . . / i ti 03 983 5525 Stay informed; we work with business owners and decision-makers across all economic sectors, profiling their success. t i f r ; r it i r i i - r r ll i t r , r fili t ir . businessnorth