Business North January 2025

Volume 23 | Issue 8 | January 2025 Growing good.... The co-operative business model is working well for many New Zealand companies, both big and small.... T T Page 03 businessnorth

2 | Contents businessnorth 18| Cultural Lens TROW Group has been recognised for its innovative approach to environmental conservation. 62| Under Cover Te Puke’s Bay Orchard Services is helping growers and farmers to thrive across the region. 124| In Tune Auckland’s King’s College is celebrating the opening of Toi Manawa – a new, purpose-built performing arts centre. 62 124 18 These conditions are prescribed for the sake of understanding between the Company and its clients. Advertising is charged for on the basis of space taken up using a standard tabloid page. Actual space may be reduced during the printing process but this will effect all advertisers equally so no credit will be given for any reduction in size due to processing. The Company reserves the right to alter, change or omit entirely any advertisement or article that it considers to be objectionable or which may contravene any law. In the event of a failure on the part of the Company to insert advertising as instructed the Company may publish the advertisement at the first available subsequent reasonable date unless the advertisement features date sensitive material. Every care shall be taken to publish the advertisement in accordance with the advertisers instructions as to page and position but the Company reserves the right for whatever reason to place advertising in a different position and in doing so shall incur no liability whatsoever. Advertisers must advise Business North immediately of any error or omission in advertisements and shall work constructively to remedy the situation which in the first instance shall be a rerun of the corrected advertisement in the next available issue of Business North. Where advertisement proofs have been faxed or mailed to the client 48 hours prior to the nominated printing cut off time acquiesce shall be taken as confirmation and acceptance. Corrections made by telephone shall be accepted but the Company reserves the right to decide whether a further proof should be faxed or mailed to the client. Accounts for advertising are due for payment within seven days of publication of the newspaper. Accounts not paid within this time may incur a penalty of 3% per month until the account is paid. Any debt collection costs incurred by the Company will be added to the account of the debtor. Views and opinions expressed in Business North are not necessarily those of the editors, Waterford Press Ltd or publisher. Business North welcomes contributions from freelance writers & journalists. All articles published at editors discretion. Business North accepts no responsibility for loss of photos or manuscripts. #businessnorth #yourstory   Cooperative Business NZ ������������������������������� 03 Bakers Delight ������������������������������������������������� 04 Waitomo Group ���������������������������������������������� 06 Manāki Premium Marine Technology ���������� 10 Marra Marine ��������������������������������������������������� 12 Whitianga Marina �������������������������������������������� 13 Ecogas NZ �������������������������������������������������������� 14 Oji Fibre Solutions NZ ������������������������������������� 15 Tauranga City Council ������������������������������������� 16 TROW Group ���������������������������������������������������� 18 Urban Solutions NZ ���������������������������������������� 20 Auckland City Hospital ����������������������������������� 21 Nauhria Group ������������������������������������������������ 22 Canopy Healthcare ����������������������������������������� 24 PPS Industries ������������������������������������������������� 26 Hayes International ���������������������������������������� 29 AR Plus �������������������������������������������������������������� 30 Saito Labels ������������������������������������������������������ 31 DMW Trailers ��������������������������������������������������� 32 Pyrotek ������������������������������������������������������������� 33 Rollerflex ASB �������������������������������������������������� 34 East Bay Engineering �������������������������������������� 34 Sheet Metal Solution Group �������������������������� 35 ABC Rentals ����������������������������������������������������� 36 Brunel Construction ��������������������������������������� 37 GrindKing ��������������������������������������������������������� 38 J&L Build ����������������������������������������������������������� 39 Waikato Wardrobes ���������������������������������������� 40 Waikato Shutters & Blinds ����������������������������� 41 Fulton Hogan - Auckland �������������������������������� 42 Kenai Limited ��������������������������������������������������� 46 CLL Solutions ��������������������������������������������������� 48 Autex Industries ���������������������������������������������� 49 Elektron Group ������������������������������������������������ 50 Heatwave Mechanical and Maintenance ����� 52 Paneltec NZ ������������������������������������������������������ 53 Curle Electrical Services ��������������������������������� 54 Elite Passive Fire ���������������������������������������������� 55 Draeinail Construction ����������������������������������� 56 Precision Earthworks �������������������������������������� 57 Greenscapes ���������������������������������������������������� 58 Grainger Engineering ������������������������������������� 59 Swanson Transport ����������������������������������������� 60 Commercial Diesel ������������������������������������������ 61 Bay Orchard Shelters ������������������������������������� 62 Birchwood Packhouse ������������������������������������ 64 Hira Bhana & Co ���������������������������������������������� 65 Waiū Dairy ������������������������������������������������������� 66 Woodbank Forestry ���������������������������������������� 67 Elaman ������������������������������������������������������������� 68 McCore Group ������������������������������������������������� 69 OTC Projects ���������������������������������������������������� 70 Hi-Tec Property Developments ��������������������� 72 Parkview Development ���������������������������������� 73 Quayside Holdings ������������������������������������������ 74 The Clarke Group �������������������������������������������� 75 Verhoeven Group �������������������������������������������� 76 Sam Oliver Design ������������������������������������������� 77 ZB Homes ��������������������������������������������������������� 78 Jacobsen ����������������������������������������������������������� 80 Pepper Architects �������������������������������������������� 82 Stufkens & Chambers Architects ������������������ 83 Coform Architecture ��������������������������������������� 84 Diana Blake Design ����������������������������������������� 85 Lawson-Hughes Design ���������������������������������� 86 Lifestyle Home Designs ���������������������������������� 87 Mia Casa Architecture ������������������������������������ 88 iBuild NZ ����������������������������������������������������������� 88 Beach House Builders ������������������������������������ 90 Build This ��������������������������������������������������������� 91 OUR PARTNERS: Christchurch Office 112 Wrights Road, Addington, Christchurch Phone 03-983 5500 PO Box 37 346 Queenstown Office 70 Glenda Drive, Queenstown 9300 PO Box 2581, Wakatipu MANAGING DIRECTOR James Lynch CO-MANAGING PARTNER Chris Pearce EDITORIAL Editor Nick Gormack Sub-editors Christine Defelice, Randall Johnston Journalists Lindy Andrews, Anne Boswell, Bernadette Cooney, Kelly Deeks, Hugh de Lacy, Russell Fredric, Richard Loader, Kim Newth, Sue Russell, Karen Phelps, Rosa Watson, Virginia Wright RESEARCH & MARKETING James Anderson, Sam Dart, Chris Graves, Megan Hawkins, Annie Patrick, Chris Pearce, Danielle Percival, Adam Shirra, Leo Smith, Alasdair Thomson PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT General Manager Luke Lynch Graphic Artists Connor Gosnell, Anton Gray, Francesca Hildawa, Sophie McCleary, Liki Udam CONTENT COORDINATORS Alissa Crosby, Ann-Marie Frentz, Michelle Phelan, Josie Villa OFFICE AND ACCOUNTS Helen Bourne Jill Holland Lyn Barlow Coastal Construction Northland ���������������������92 Construction2 ����������������������������������������������������93 Skyline Whangarei ��������������������������������������������94 DuraBuild Construction �����������������������������������95 G Donaldson Builders ��������������������������������������96 JD Construction �������������������������������������������������97 Frontline Projects ����������������������������������������������98 Jackson Construction Northland �������������������100 Kanda Homes ��������������������������������������������������101 Kiwispan North & West Auckland �����������������102 Laidlaw Builders ����������������������������������������������103 Leading Homes �����������������������������������������������104 Statesman Homes ������������������������������������������105 Amon Perry Builders ��������������������������������������106 BDC Homes ������������������������������������������������������107 Mathers Builders ���������������������������������������������108 Matt Brown Builders ���������������������������������������109 Nicol Renovations �������������������������������������������110 PT Building & Construction ����������������������������111 PCI Projects ������������������������������������������������������112 Taylor Long Construction �������������������������������112 Riverwood Building �����������������������������������������113 Super City Construction ���������������������������������114 Warwick Gair Builders ������������������������������������114 Seaside Homes ������������������������������������������������116 Hopkins Joinery �����������������������������������������������117 Aspire Property Management �����������������������118 Harcourts Hamilton Rentals ��������������������������120 Dymond McBain Facilities Management �����122 Cambridge High School ����������������������������������123 Kings College ���������������������������������������������������124 Papamoa College ��������������������������������������������128 Tikipunga Football Club ����������������������������������130 Aotea Lodge �����������������������������������������������������132

| 3 “Because profits are distributed back to members, money is retained in New Zealand, and it boils down to co-operatives having a different purpose, and viewing the world in a different way than businesses.” Cooperative Business NZ T T Virginia Wright Co-op model offers many benefits Saya Wahrlich: “They’re hugely positive for their communities and for the people that are members.” REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT The names of some of New Zealand’s enduring co-operatives such as Fonterra, Zespri, and Southern Cross Health Society are widely known, but they are just three of the roughly 330 organisations operating under the co-operative model. These businesses and organisations are of all different sizes, shapes and forms, including industrial and provident societies, friendly societies, credit unions, mutuals and co-operatives. The definition of a co-operative business is that it is “member-owned and controlled from which benefits are derived and distributed equitably on the basis of use”. What makes them different from other types of businesses is that they are not controlled by outside investors. They meet their members’ needs, rather than maximising the co-operative’s profits, and they return surplus revenues to their membership in proportion to their use of the co-op, not in proportion to their investment or share ownership. Cooperative Business NZ’s chief executive officer since the start of the year is Saya Wahrlich. Her background includes time with the global organisations New Zealand Trade and Enterprise as digital director, and Kiwi Expat Association (KEA), where she was chief operating officer. Both positions meant Saya worked across a variety of sectors with different businesses and different people, just as in her current position, and what really resonates for her is the focus on what is good for New Zealand. “The co-operative model absolutely supports and underpins so much of New Zealand,” Saya explains. “For instance, in banking in our regional communities, with entities such as First Credit Union, Rabobank or SBS Bank; or stores in small towns through Farmlands or RuralCo. “Because profits are distributed back to members, money is retained in New Zealand, and it boils down to co-operatives having a different purpose, and viewing the world in a different way than businesses. “They’re all about ‘what can we do for our members’, not ‘what can we get from our members.’ They’re hugely positive for their communities and for the people that are members. and many of them are household names such as Foodstuffs, ITM or Mitre 10.” Every co-operative draws up its own constitution according to its members’ needs, which differ depending on whether, for example, they are a producer, a grower or a buying group co-op. Because the co-operatives are both owned by and governed by their members, governance training is an important area where the Cooperative Business NZ operates, helping co-operative businesses ensure their boards have a robust and diverse skill set, and that directors are comfortable when it comes to taking off their member hat and putting on their board hat. 2025 is the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives, so along with training and education, Cooperative Business NZ is updating research into the co-operative economy in New Zealand last done in 2020. “What’s the combined revenue of the top 30 or top 50 co-operatives? How many people do they employ” What do they contribute back to the economy? How do they support communities and how does that revenue retention in New Zealand show up?” says Saya. “We’ll use the international focus to raise awareness with stakeholders of the co-operative business model and some of the special needs they have that aren’t taken into account through policy or legislation.” Saya is looking forward to more New Zealanders understanding the benefits this business model brings to its users. As democratic, autonomous, self-help organisations, which include working for the sustainable development of their communities through policies approved by their members, she believes they are a powerful tool for adding value to businesses that goes well beyond their bottom lines. Our range includes: • Automotive: mineral, synthetic and synthetic blend engine oils, coolants, auto trans fluid • Trucking: industrial gear, transmission, super diesel oils • Marine: two-stroke, inboard and outboard oils • Forestry: chain-bar, grease, hydraulic oils • Motorcycle: two and four-stroke engine oils • Classic and vintage: mono and multigrade engine oils with full zinc • Agricultural: shearing plant, rotary vacuum pump, hydraulic, gear oils • Cleaning products: hand cleaner, car, truck and tractor wash, degreaser, all-purpose cleaner Check out our website for our full product range and specifications: AN UNRIVALLED RANGE OF LUBRICANTS, COVERING ALL SECTORS AND PROUDLY BLENDED HERE IN NZ POWER STEERING SPECIALISTS Tel: 09 444 9370 192C Wairau Road, Glenfield Extensive Range Passenger & Commercial All Makes & Models Special Blackfern Rates Expert Advice Guaranteed Prompt, Professional Service Proudly supporting NZ COOP Proud members of Cooperative Business New Zealand.

4 | Bakers Delight T T Bernadette Cooney Bakery brand scoops two awards Bakers Delight Hamilton East won Retail & Hospitality Franchisee of the Year, awarded to franchisee owner-operators, Nilupa Weerakoon and Darshana Hewage. “We’re incredibly proud of our franchisees for representing the best of our brand and making a tangible difference in their communities.” REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Nationwide franchise brand, Bakers Delight, has achieved remarkable success in the 2024 Westpac New Zealand Franchise Awards, hosted for the 29th year by the Franchise Association of New Zealand. The awards, held at Cordis Hotel, Auckland in early November, resulted in two significant accolades for Bakers Delight, says managing director Craig Notman. With the brand’s focus on quality, health-conscious products and community engagement, Bakers Delight exemplifies excellence in a very competitive, retail and hospitality sector. Bakers Delight Hamilton East won Retail & Hospitality Franchisee of the Year, awarded to franchisee owner-operators, Nilupa Weerakoon and Darshana Hewage. Judges praised their strong customer-service skills and impactful community contributions, describing their submission as a reflection of passion and excellence. Their journey, from Dubai to successful franchise owners in New Zealand, highlights their enterprising spirit and dedication over the past 13 years. “We’re incredibly proud of our franchisees for representing the best of our brand and making a tangible difference in their communities,” says Craig. Award entrants go through a rigorous assessment by a panel of independent judges, and Nilupa and Darshana shone through for their consistently high levels of customer satisfaction. In a separate category, the brand also took away the Franchisee Excellence in Community Contribution Award, presented to Michael Faulkner of Bakers Delight Pukekohe. The inaugural winner of this award, and a community stalwart, Michael supports local initiatives such as donating bread to schools and sponsoring sports clubs. His deep connection to Pukekohe underscores the brand’s ethos of giving back. “Our franchisees are Kiwis supporting Kiwis,” says Craig. “Giving back and fostering community is woven into our business model, whether that’s through donating free product to support community fundraisers, or donating all of our unsold products to charity at the end of each day, or partnering with national initiatives such as Prostate Cancer, I am Hope and Gumboot Friday.” Bakers Delight currently operates 19 franchises across New Zealand, but has plans to expand to 80 stores in coming years. The strategy focuses on opening new bakeries, bringing passionate franchisees on board, and evolving their product lines to align with consumer’s needs. “Growth is our priority. While we expand, we’re committed to maintaining our quality standards and keeping up with the needs of health-conscious consumers,” Craig says. Bakers Delight’s hallmark is its scratch-baking approach, ensuring all products are made on the premises, fresh daily without pre-made or frozen doughs. The franchise has recently added a health-conscious range of high-fibre, low-GI white and wholemeal loaves to its tempting range, which includes artisan breads like sourdough, ciabatta and Turkish breads. “As a brand we’re committed to fresh, nutritious options and diverse tastes,” says Craig. Bakers Delight is not your typical type of bakery – they are strongly focused on bread products, and were the first to introduce the famous cheesymite scroll to market. “Much copied but never beaten since,” says Craig. “While we don’t sell pies, yet, we do sell lots of savoury and sweet lines like mini pizzas, chessymite scrolls, almond croissants and custard and berry scrolls for food-to-go options.” With its focus on growth and innovation, Bakers Delight is poised to become ingrained in the fabric of the communities the stores serve. As a leading supplier of bakery ingredient solutions, Mauri offers a comprehensive portfolio of high-quality flours, yeasts, grains, bread and cake pre-mixes, and improvers. Mauri has been a proud major supplier of quality bakery ingredients to Bakers Delight for over 25 years. 0800 937 866 | | Mauri congratulates Bakers Delight on their nomination for the 2024Westpac Franchise of the Year Award.

| 5 Bakers Delight Bakers Delight currently operates 19 franchises across New Zealand, but has plans to expand to 80 stores in coming years. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Cnr Smales and Springs Rds,East Tamaki - 09 265 0300 Embroidery, Printing, Lettering , Dye Sublimation and more... East Tamaki We Supply & Brand

6 | Waitomo Group T T Richard Loader Waitomo Group snares top business Waitomo Group has been honoured with the Supreme Award at the Waikato Chamber of Commerce Business Awards, along with winning awards for Sustainability, and Business Growth & Strategy. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT T T to page 8 From being named Finalist in five categories at the Waikato Chamber of Commerce Business Awards, Waitomo Group has been honoured with the Supreme Award, along with winning awards for Sustainability, and Business Growth & Strategy. The company’s overwhelming success at the awards confirms its place as an agile, innovative and future-focused, 100% Kiwi-owned market disruptor, focused on delivering choice and fairer prices at the fuel pump for its continually growing customer base in both the North and South islands. CEO Simon Parham says it was the first time in over 10 years that Waitomo Group had entered the prestigious business awards, providing an opportunity to celebrate what the team had achieved over the last couple of years. “The entry process actually enabled us to reflect upon what those achievements were. It’s just too easy to keep moving forward, and not take the time to celebrate success. “We believed we had something to celebrate and it just so happened that the judges felt the same way. “Being a Finalist in five categories demonstrated that we had a strong business with a lot of excellent achievements, and winning of two categories in a really competitive lineup of awesome Waikato businesses helped us pick up the Supreme Award.” Simon says in the last two years they have focused on building the national footprint of unmanned fuel stops, complemented with last year’s acquisition of Z Energy’s mini-tankers and bulk-fuel business. “The acquisition sets that platform up for growth so that we can deliver in the commercial B2B side from Northland down to Southland, and marry that up with our fuel-stop network. “Growth is also about building that minimum credible network, particularly for our commercial card customers, so that they can confidently travel from A to B and refuel with Waitomo. “Our app innovation has got more mature, and we’re seeing more and more of our customers using the app to purchase fuel instead of just using the outdoor payment terminals. “So, as a business we’ve grown all our segments, whether it’s direct fuel delivery, commercial card or retail cash customers.” While Simon acknowledges that while at first blush, sustainability and a fuel company may seem at odds with each other, he feels that winning that category reflects the judges’ deeper thinking around what sustainability embraces. “Waitomo has worked pretty hard on ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) over the last couple of years. “We’ve partnered with Hiringa Energy to build New Zealand’s first hydrogen refuelling network, but I think the award also reflected the social impact that we have on the communities we operate in. Complete fuel system solutions for your business. Quality workmanship, reliable service. Always. Commercial | Farm | Forestry | Transport 0800 383 578 Engineering a Better Tomorrow. Waitomo Group and PSL - Two great Kiwi companies growing together. 04 567 0877

| 7 Waitomo Group REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Waitomo Group is focused on delivering choice and fairer prices at the fuel pump for its continually growing customer base in both the North and South islands. 0800 243 864 A privately owned New Zealand company, Carlyon has been delivering projects and services in the fuel and oil industry for over three decades “Carlyon’s values drive the success and integrity of the company and its people,” says General Manager Cameron Gilliland. “We’re committed to safety, quality and protecting the environment, in everything we do. Our clients are able to hand a complex project over to us and trust us to complete to speci cation, on budget and on time.” An innovative industry leader, Carlyon is a rmly Waikato based business, with its Head O ce in Hamilton and branches placed strategically in Auckland, Palmerston North, and Tauranga. Servicing customers throughout the North Island and touching the Paci c Islands, Carlyon has developed four primary arms of its business operations being; Projects, Engineering, Service, and Manufacturing. “Our Projects and Engineering business o ers a complete design and build package for fuel stations, from installation through to commissioning and ongoing service. We also do rebrands and rebuilds of exiting fuel stations. With ammable materials there are very stringent standards that must be complied with so service is a very big part of our business. All fuel systems around the country have to be tested and maintained regularly. We have a network of professionals who inspect all fuel equipment and carry out any repairs and preventative maintenance for all installations.” Utilising the concept and design skills of its engineering team, manufacturing is the third major string to Carlyon’s bow, designing and building large above ground fuel storage facilities, forecourt equipment and trailer tanks. Recently added into our product o ering, our Phoenix (2 hour and 4 hour) Fire Rated tanks are a premium product in ammable and combustible liquid storage. Designed, tested and manufactured in New Zealand, this robust tank has the internationally recognised test standard (SwRI) tick of approval, and provides businesses, the public, and the environment greater safety and performance assurance. Think high-performance and protection in one versatile solution. The tanks can be designed and manufactured to be housed inside and outside buildings for generator and boiler supply.” Cameron adds that the re rated tanks are highly con gurable, with single and multi-compartment options, and the re rating a ords a reduced separation distance from protected places and hazardous zones. Carlyon’s core customers are all those businesses and organisations who use and store fuels. “Our relationship with Waitomo goes back almost thirty years and we’re really proud that we’ve been part of their journey for that length of time, building their infrastructure,” says Cameron. Richard Loader Driving 30+ years of Fuel Industry Innovation and Excellence At Carlyon, we o er total site maintenance, fuel & oil installations, tank builds and manufacturing services. We have built our reputation delivering ultimate infrastructure solutions to keep you moving. We have experienced people based nationwide with a well-equipped eet. Contact us with your requirements and we have the right expertise to assist with any fuel enquiry.

8 | Growth fuels success Waitomo has established 75 fuel stops, catering to retail customers in the North Island and the South Island, along with another 30 diesel stops for trucks. T T from page 6 Waitomo Group REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT “That goes back to disrupting the market, providing competition and sustainable fuel prices in every market – that’s putting dollars back in Kiwis’ pockets. Everyone is battling, and those dollars make a real difference, whether it’s paying a bill or the groceries.” Over the last decade, in addition to providing bulk fuel supply, on-site diesel supply and fuel storage solutions, Waitomo has established 75 fuel stops, catering to retail customers in the North Island and the South Island, along with another 30 diesel stops for trucks. All fuel stops are unmanned. “Our northern-most site is Paihia, and the southern-most sites are two in Invercargill. Most of our sites are in the North Island, but we’re looking at growing our business further into the South Island. We want to build sites where the people are, and create that network so that it can also cater to our commercial customers.” Simon says while there really hasn’t been any forecourt service for motorists in New Zealand for 20 years or so, the customers’ decision to use Waitomo when filling their tanks is based upon great pricing, great locations and the company being easy to use. “More and more people are looking for value, and for a company like Waitomo it’s our time to shine. We offer a consistently great price compared to our competitors, and that is what has been the secret sauce to opening all the sites and the growth we’ve enjoyed over the last two years. People trust and know that we will give the best price that we can. It’s even been acknowledged by the Commerce Commission that unmanned operations like Waitomo not only bring prices down when we enter a market, but keep prices down.” PEC develops and manufactures fuel dispensing solutions which are market leading in accuracy and efficiency. We also provide hi tech electronic manufacturing services for a range of industries. PEC are a family-owned New Zealand business, with a proud history spanning more than 80 years. The name PEC has always stood for quality, innovation and trust through reliability and delivery. We are a proven leader in the innovation and design of customer inspired technology solutions, with a strong focus on end-user needs. PEC’s Pinnacle range provides an innovative platform at the heart of your customer centric forecourt. Delivering the Customer Centric Forecourt Long-term solutions for future generations +64 6 327 0060 Estate Planning and administration Trusts Property Corporate and Commercial Succession Now that’s probably something you’ve never heard a lawyer say. We listen more than we talk. Level 3, South Bloc, 19 Knox Street, Hamilton (07) 838 3333 Proudly supporting Waitomo Group

| 9 Waitomo Group REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Core Values • Be empathetic • Respect • Treat others the way you want to be treated • Accept & include everyone’s contribution • Listening and understanding • Right people – Right results • Care that we get home safe • Friendships, fun, socialise people are us • Freedom in a FRAMEWORK • Be accountable • Be proactive • Be responsible • Respect others • Be a rolemodel • Speak up take ownership • Deliver what we promise • Gain trust and respect • Communicate • Be a rolemodel; set the standard • Exceed customer expectations • Commitment • Reliability we do what we say • Right frame of mind; an openmind • Be professional; attitude reflects on the company • Willing to do what it takes • Take pride • Passionate • Show empathy • Positive attitude is everything The TLL way - Achieving what matters... Right product, right quantity, right tank - on time - GUARANTEED! For a quarter of a century family owned and operated Tranzliquid Logistics Ltd has been providing specialist solutions to the Petroleum Transport Industry, including a well-established dispatch and scheduling hub. Headquartered in Mount Maunganui, with a leet of fuel tankers also based in Auckland, Morrinsville, Matamata, Palmerston North, Wellington, Timaru, Nelson and Dunedin, Tranzliquid provides bulk fuel logistics and cartage services to its customer network throughout New Zealand. While the company’s growth has included expansion into the bulk delivery of bitumen along with container transport for the dairy and kiwifruit industry, bulk fuel delivery to fuel stations, commercial customers and ship bunkering remains a core focus. At the heart of the business is husband and wife team, Greg Pert and Jackie Carroll. The perfect partnership for the industry, Greg’s extensive background with bulk hazardous goods and tanker operations is complemented with Jackie’s experience in health and safety and compliance. “We take care of a network of service stations including Waitomo and others, that we’re 100% responsible for,” says Jackie. “Looking after the fuel inventory with remote insight of onsite fuel levels for some customers within that network, is a real point of di erence. It enables us Celebrating 25 Years of FamilyOwned Petroleum Transport to schedule a delivery, ensuring the site is constantly stocked with fuel. Managing fuel inventories enables us to be nimble, make changes to our schedule and ensure prompt delivery. “Our partnership with Waitomo commenced about 20 years ago providing our delivery service capabilities.” For fuel customers outside of the network, Tranzliquid’s leet of branded tankers can provide an on-call service when demand exceeds those customers own tanker leet capacities. Re lecting on the company’s successful 25 years of growth, Jackie says being family owned and operated has ensured that decision making is very prompt. “That ultimately bene its the service o ering provided to our clients, as well as our ability to grow in response to their needs. Within our team we also have a lot of long-serving employees with a good depth of experience and industry knowledge.” More recently the couple have been joined by Greg’s son Gareth, who brings a new layer of skill set that includes contract negotiations, and maintains the family culture within the business, as well as consistency in succession. Tranzliquid continues to seek new opportunities to grow and provide its services within the Petroleum Industry with companies that demonstrate the same values. Hydrogen fuel is the future NOW Green hydrogen refuelling stations are now open in Auckland, Hamilton and Palmerston North, with Tauranga coming soon. With government subsidies available for businesses switching to hydrogen transport, there’s never been a better time to upgrade to hydrogen fuel cell or dual fuel vehicles. Fast refuelling Similar payload to diesel trucks Similar range Zero emission hydrogen

10 | Manāki Premium Marine Technology T T Kim Newth Whitebait farming venture scaling up Bluff was chosen as the ideal location for the venture, as whitebait species do better in cooler water. “We started with a little stream in Ōrewa and have done four or five now in different places. Every one of our releases, when you look back at the results, have been 100% successful.” REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Kiwis love their whitebait fritters, and now there’s a way to enjoy them without worrying about the ecological impacts as sustainable farm fresh whitebait come on to the menu. Following a successful pilot trial, Manāki Premium Marine Technology Ltd is stepping up their sustainable New Zealand whitebait farm operation in Bluff with plans to produce in excess of 12 tonnes in 2025. “We’ll be the biggest fish farm on the planet in terms of fish numbers,” says Manāki director Paul Decker with a chuckle, noting that the individual juvenile native fish that comprise whitebait are very small. Bluff was chosen as the ideal location for the venture, as whitebait species do better in cooler water. An added draw card is Bluff’s thriving aquaculture centre of excellence. Based at the former Ocean Beach meat processing plant, the centre is turning into a real hub of aquaculture expertise and knowledge. Several other species are already being farmed there including pāua and seaweed – “and even salmon, with a land-based salmon farm being developed there”. Paul has fond childhood memories of raising native fish in ponds on his family’s farm in Queensland. It was a seminal experience that set his future course in aquaculture consultancy and education. He later joined forces with aquaculture scientist Dr Tagried Kurwie and the team at Mahurangi Technical Institute in Warkworth to successfully hatch New Zealand whitebait species in captivity for the first time. The push behind that incredible breakthrough was an aspiration to restore and enhance Aotearoa’s native whitebait species, which have been declining rapidly over recent years. Four of the five species are now considered as “threatened” by the Department of Conservation. Having honed their abilities as a conservation hatchery breeding all five whitebait species, Paul says he and the team then realised they could scale up their farm processes to be commercially viable. Iwi investors have swung in behind the venture, the first of its kind in New Zealand, and Paul says the local iwi in Bluff have also been incredibly encouraging. “Manāki” is the Māori word for caring for and supporting others. The Manāki Whitebait brand name reflects the view that providing good food plays an important role in being a good host, and it also encompasses protection of the environment. Manāki is not just raising whitebait for the table. Their breeding programme is helping support threatened species through carefully managed releases. Hundreds of whitebait fish, raised in captivity by Manāki, have already been released back into the wild. “We started with a little stream in Ōrewa and have done four or five now in different places. Every one of our releases, when you look back at the results, have been 100% successful.” Through trial and error, the team determined that the giant kōkopu is the most commercially viable whitebait species to farm. Paul says they are on track to achieve a 100% feed conversion rate. From the end consumer perspective, Paul says the good news is that this single whitebait species tastes just as good as five in a fritter. At the Bluff farm, the breeding fish live in 1500L tanks while larger 10,000L tanks are used to raise the offspring. “Each fish only produces eggs once a year, but we can manipulate the environment across the tanks so as to produce fresh sustainable whitebait all year round.” To date, Manāki’s commercial output has been used for promotional purposes and to supply select functions, as well as a small number of outlets, such as the Matakana Village Farmers’ Market. As production rises next year, the main focus will be supplying the New Zealand market. Manāki currently employs a 30-strong team in its labour-intensive whitebait farm operation, with numbers set to grow further in step with production. WHAT WE DON’T KNOW ISN’T WORTH KNOWING 117 Clyde St, Invercargill 0800 723 100 | • Bolt & Nuts • Masonry Bolts • Socket Products • Threaded Rods • Rivets • Screws • Self Drillers • Bolt Assortments • Stainless Steel Fasteners & Hardware • Hinges & Gate Fittings • SDS Multi-fit Masonry Drills • Drill, Taps & Die Nuts • Teng Tools SUPPORT YOUR 100% OWNED & OPERATED SHOP Proud to support Premium Marine Technology Aquaculture | Horticulture | Repairs • Proven track record for quality • Custom building • Freighted throughout NZ • Large range of products Ph: 03 544 4434 7a McPherson Street, Richmond, Nelson NZ Proud Supplier of Aquaculture Tanks to Manāki Whitebait - PremiumMarine Technology

| 11 Manāki Premium Marine Technology Having honed their abilities as a conservation hatchery breeding all five whitebait species, Paul says he and the team then realised they could scale up their farm processes to be commercially viable. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Fi Innovations is a leading New Zealand specialist in 3D additive manufacturing, composites and resin applications. Phone : +64 3 216 6650 Email : Website : Address : 38 Otepuni Avenue Invercargill 9812 Turning great ideas into reality. POOL REFURBISHMENT 3D PRINTING & SCAN FIBREGLASS BOATBUILDING FLOORING RHINO UTE LINERS Fresh By Design was founded in 2004 to provide the New Zealand and Australian aquaculture industries with high quality equipment, expertise, experience together with an extensive product range and reliable ongoing backup service. Aquaculture Equipment Suppliers of Manāki Whitebait 02 4868 2500 ICECYCLE (NZ) LTD is proud to be a key partner as the Seawater Chiller Supplier to Premium Marine Technologies who are farming MANAKI WHITEBAIT, New Zealand's only 100% sustainable Whitebait! GET IN TOUCH! +64 (06) 8422956 ICECYCLE ICE SERIES seawater chillers are Technically the most advanced Seawater chiller with the lowest running costs, best temperature accuracy, made in NZ and reliable, making it the benchmark for the marine industry.

12 | Boat building requires collaborative approach Working from its HQ near Sulphur Point boat ramp, Marra Marine operates throughout the Bay of Plenty, servicing all the local marinas as well as some marinas further afield Marra Marine T T Richard Loader “The boat-building industry is highly skilled, and there’s a massive amount of expertise and organisation that comes into the projects that we undertake.” REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Everything from the bespoke build of a hi-spec new boat to the close collaboration with multiple businesses on a super yacht refit, and working with a diverse range of boats have added to Marra Marine’s reputation for quality. “That diversity just becomes second nature in terms of the broad skill sets that our team have,” says Maddie Marra, who established the business with her husband Tim in 2018. “We’re innovative and solutions based, and have a reputation for quality workmanship, commitment to the industry, our people, our clients and those we collaborate with.” Testament to that reputation, Tauranga-based Marra Marine was recently engaged by a Wellington client to build a bespoke 13.8-metre sedan designed by Bill Upfold from Elite Marine Design. “There’s a huge amount of collaboration between the client, the designer and us as the boat builder,” says Maddie. “There’s also collaboration with the interior designer, who has a lot of input. Each aspect flows into each other, and close collaboration must all happen simultaneously for a successful result. In addition to that, we engage and manage the engineers, painters, upholsterers, electricians and electronic specialists required for the project. It’s a turnkey build that will be ready for the client to take possession in about six weeks.” Working from its HQ near Sulphur Point boat ramp, Marra Marine operates throughout the Bay of Plenty, servicing all the local marinas as well as some marinas further afield. In addition to its local clients, there are international clients with super yachts, who stop in at Tauranga for a refit and repair work. “We do a lot of collaboration work with businesses like Super Yacht Coatings, Vessel Works, Bay Marine Electronics and other marine-based businesses who take care of super yacht work during various times of the year,” Maddie says. “People are looking for a custom boat builder who can also offer a diverse skillset offering, and that suits our profile perfectly. The defining factor in terms of the range of boats we work on is the material, which is wood and composite including fibreglass, polymer, carbon fibre and epoxy resin.” While the make-up of Marra Marine’s work varies throughout the year, depending on what is in the workshop, currently half the team is focused on the new build, while the remaining team members undertake refit/ repair/renovation marina work. “Including Tim, we have a team of eight; a mix of highly skilled tradesmen and talented apprentices. The boat-building industry is highly skilled, and there’s a massive amount of expertise and organisation that comes into the projects that we undertake. “The skills that our team have include cabinet making and fitting, window fitting, galley fit-outs, some engineering, paint work, marine flooring laying teak or synthetic decks, construction. Within the team there’s a lot of passion for the industry and the ocean. It’s an incredibly satisfying line of work, because it is technical, highly skilled, and if you can build a boat you can pretty much do anything.” Looking to the future, Maddie says there is considerable potential for growth within Tauranga’s marine sector, and Marra Marine looks forward to collaborating with marine- based business owners to help the region fulfil its potential. Each edition priority delivered to your door. . . . . i i 03 983 5525 Stay informed; we work with business owners and decision-makers across all economic sectors, profiling their success. i ; i i i i - ll i , ili i . Your Business, Your Industry, Your News. r i , r I tr , r . businessnorth Volume 21 | Issue 3 | June 2022 businessnorth The Experts in Marine Technology Proudly Supporting Marra Marine 07 577 0250 New Zealand’s premier marine painters, providing an international standard of finish to the local market. From luxury yachts to work boats, we’ve got you covered! Super Yacht Coatings are proud to support Marra Marine 0800 SY COAT