102 | Options abound with Kiwi-made sheds The quality of the relationship Craig and the team enjoy with KiwiSpan’s head office adds further strength to the company. Kiwispan North & West Auckland T T Sue Russell “People seem to like the idea of living in sheds. A lot of people are touring around and need a base which can accommodate the vehicle and be a place to stay in before they head off again. These combined sheds and living spaces are ideal for this lifestyle.” BUILDING Craig and Shannon Standen purchased KiwiSpan North & West Auckland in November 2021 amid the challenges Covid brought to operating a business. Craig, who has a history working in construction that stems back nearly 40 years, says there were good reasons to buy the business. “Having a strong background in construction, being a trade-qualified builder who is a licensed building practitioner, and especially bringing skills around building foundations into the mix meant I understood from a structural perspective how good the brand was. “I’d been associated at a business relationship level with KiwiSpan for more than 10 years, so absolutely understood what a quality product it is,” he says. Son Jared Standen is the business’s general manager, making it a real family affair, Trish Malam acts as the first point of call, along with Jared, when customers make initial enquiries, while Shannon heads the accounts team. Craig says the quality of the relationship he and the team enjoy with KiwiSpan’s head office adds further strength to the company. “They really stand behind the brand and offer back-up support and ongoing engagement with owners throughout the country. They have their own in-house engineers, and it is a completely New Zealand- made product, not affected by overseas factors.” The geographic area KiwiSpan North & West Auckland serves is extensive, going from Glorit to Waiwera and south through to North Shore, South Rodney and Waitakere. An initial enquiry starts with a conversation about the type of building the customer might be considering. This is always followed up with a site visit to look at what is possible and to offer design options that will work well. Craig says this site visit is critical, because he understands what the site requires in terms of earthmoving and geotech issues that may present. Three recent projects the company had on the go were all a hybrid blend of shed and living space, something Craig says is becoming very popular. “People seem to like the idea of living in sheds. A lot of people are touring around and need a base which can accommodate the vehicle and be a place to stay in before they head off again. These combined sheds and living spaces are ideal for this lifestyle.” And there is plenty of flexibility within the standard shed shapes available, so they can be tailored to each site and situation. Sometimes, customers even want the driveway put down and hard landscaping taken care of and these are options Craig and the team can offer. The time frame for construction once consenting is through is usually four to eight weeks, depending on the complexity of the build. Craig says building a shed is very weather dependent. “You have to pick your day when you’ll build, as wind factors come into play.” The KiwiSpan website shows the range of options available – often a good starting point for a conversation on the first visit. Craig believes that it’s the peace-of-mind factor that really draws customers to their doorstep. “They know they’re dealing with a reputable company with a great history here.” The range available is extensive, servicing the rural and commercial sectors, residential and lifestyle block owners. A useful 3D design tool is also available on-line, providing customers with the option to personalise their shed or barn to meet their requirements. “We certainly want to showcase just how versatile our sheds are and I encourage anyone looking for a quality option to make contact and have a discussion with our sales team without obligation. People are always surprised at just what can be achieved.” The KiwiSpan team are backed by a small group of local contracting professionals, who look after everything from a site survey to excavation and site preparation, foundations, and concrete slabs. Then when it comes to installing the shed/barn, Craig says, “We erect every one as though it was our own.” WATER FX IS PROUDLY SUPPORTING KIWISPAN - KUMEU