126 | New centre offers top class facilities T T from page 124 “The recording studio is quite high spec to enable us to record from every room in the building, all centralised down to the studio.” COMMUNITY Kings College: Aspec Construction - Toi Manawa The new performing arts centre has a 250-seat black box theatre with large stage and green room, a generous orchestra space, nine practice rooms, three spacious teaching rooms (including a media studio and tech lab), a rock band room, a recording suite and a purpose-built dance studio. “The recording studio is quite high spec to enable us to record from every room in the building, all centralised down to the studio.” The orchestra space has been set up to be used any time, with percussion in place – a major convenience for musicians. Emma is already noticing just how refined it is from an acoustic perspective, as she can now clearly hear individual instrument players. “The building’s high ceilings also mean there is space for the sound to move and not get trapped. Every detail has been so well considered.” The new centre is protected from traffic disturbances by way of trench separation around the whole building. Emma says the interior acoustic treatment by sound experts Marshall Day has also delivered a phenomenal result. “The centre itself was designed by architect Andrew Patterson, who is an Old Collegian of the college, and the way he has put together this building is just phenomenal too. “The exterior blends so nicely with the existing campus and I love how the interior doors at the side of the building face the driveway so when the doors are open, kids coming into the college can hear music.” Aspec Construction led the build on site. Emma says they were great to deal with and very respectful of the working school environment. “The follow-up from Aspec really impressed me too. They stayed on site while we moved in and helped us fully understand how the building works.” Emma notes the centre is poised to have spin-off benefits for the wider community, with enquiries already coming in from external groups with an interest in hiring spaces for contests and performances. FLOORCOVERING Flooring can completely change the feel of a commerical or residential space. That ’s why getting it right is so important. We have nearly 40 years’ experience in doing just that; delivering a quality product to our clients. For all your carpet, timber or vinyl needs contact us. P r o u d l y a s s o c i a t e d w i t h A s p e c C o n s t r u c t i o n o n t h e K i n g s C o l l e g e p r o j e c t 09 638 4949 sales@lovichfloors.co.nz 19C Edwin Street, Mt Eden PO Box 56-106, Dominion Rd, Auckland 1446 Showroom by appointment Manufacturer of a comprehensive and diverse range of Precast Concrete products. Specialising in Architectural Finishes. Phone: 09 275 9906 Email: sales@concretec.co.nz www.concretec.co.nz N EW Z E A L A N D L I M I T E D Proud Supplier of Air Conditioning & Ventilation Systems for Kings College 35F Constellation Drive, Rosedale, Auckland PHONE: +64 09 476 9474 admin@airmark.co.nz www.airmarkgroup.co.nz