Business North January 2025

| 127 Currently, King’s College has a 70-strong orchestra, a 70-member premium concert band, a junior concert band of 40 students, a junior big band of 18-20 students, four choirs, three dance troupes and a growing contingent of drama students. COMMUNITY Kings College: Aspec Construction - Toi Manawa CERTIFYING PLUMBING & GASFITTING CONTRACTORS  Commercial & Domestic  Quality Plumbing  Installation  Centrally Located  Repairs & Maintenance  Cover all Districts Proud to be working alongside Kings College & Aspec Construction AK 376 5825 Mobile 0274 930 027, Email 34 Monmouth St, Grey Lynn, Auckland ILLINGWORTH PLUMBING LTD Proud to be part of the team delivering King’s College updated facilities as Project Managers and Engineer to Contract.