| 127 Currently, King’s College has a 70-strong orchestra, a 70-member premium concert band, a junior concert band of 40 students, a junior big band of 18-20 students, four choirs, three dance troupes and a growing contingent of drama students. COMMUNITY Kings College: Aspec Construction - Toi Manawa CERTIFYING PLUMBING & GASFITTING CONTRACTORS Commercial & Domestic Quality Plumbing Installation Centrally Located Repairs & Maintenance Cover all Districts Proud to be working alongside Kings College & Aspec Construction AK 376 5825 Mobile 0274 930 027, Email peter@illingworth.co.nz 34 Monmouth St, Grey Lynn, Auckland ILLINGWORTH PLUMBING LTD www.rubix.nz Proud to be part of the team delivering King’s College updated facilities as Project Managers and Engineer to Contract.