132 | LEISURE Aotea Lodge T T Virginia Wright A tranquil getaway on Great Barrier Aotea Lodge can house up to 20 people in its tranquil, private location. When Aotea Lodge was for sale on Great Barrier Island 14 years ago Fiona Green bought it with her husband Lloyd Green generally known as Greenie. They took it on as an existing business knowing that a lot of the island’s hosted accommodation was disappearing and liking the idea of offering a personal connection to what the island has to offer. By then Fiona been on the island for 10 years having arrived for a job at the Irish Bar, travelling on her one-way ticket backpacking around the world, she explains with a smile. “I met someone and fell in love, fell in love with the island too, and the lifestyle, and never left.” Fiona was widowed in 2016 , but her love for the island didn’t waver. Over the years Fiona has responded to what she could see tourists coming to the island needed, such as ways to get around, by providing car-hire and shuttles herself. She puts together package deals which include accommodation, which may or may not be at Aotea Lodge, flights or ferries to and from the island, shuttles, rental cars, tours of the island, fishing charters or tickets to enjoy a Dark Sky Tour. Since Covid there’s been a rise in internationals coming to stay but they’re still only around 20% of the predominantly 50 to 70 year olds who visit. “I ask a lot of questions when I’m putting the Escape Packages together so that I understand what they want and what they’re most likely to enjoy. We’ve got 100 kilometres of tracks on the island but a lot of people don’t realise the huts are already equipped with stoves, pots and pans and so on.“ With the down time that came with Covid came a re-evaluation of life and the decision to sell the lodge and concentrate on the package tours side of the business. Currently on the market, with four fully self-contained units Aotea Lodge can house up to 20 people in its tranquil, private location. It’s just a short walk to the beach, the local store, Pa Beach café and the Irish Bar that first brought Fiona to the island. Great Barrier has been recognised as a dark sky sanctuary and with no night lights there’s an impressive night sky to enjoy from the deck even if tourists don’t choose to take the official tour of the stars on offer. It’s that sense of quiet, the silence that surrounds you, when you get off the plane or the boat that Fiona believes makes Great Barrier so special although, as she says, it’s hard to show that with a picture. ”You become quiet in yourself as you relax and slow down. It’s a strong community on the island with everyone ready to down tools and help each other if there’s any sort of emergency. We look after each other.” Talk of semi-retirement after Covid hasn’t stopped Fiona looking at a new venture with her partner and fiancée Mike Graham. There’s a mountain of paperwork yet to do and a lodge to sell but they’re looking forward to offering fishing charters and taking people out on the water to reel in a fresh snapper or two to cook up for their evening meal. Sue 027 322 2032 Raven 027 270 9141 Proudly supporting Aotea Lodge. Great Barrier Holidays www.greatbarrierisland.co.nz Ph: 09 4290 767 For travel and accommodation bookings, or local advice and information, give our friendly experts a call Transport Holiday Package Return Flights $370pp Return Ferry $230pp Fly boat combo $310pp 2 nights at Aotea Lodge with flights and car hire $620 Bookings and information can be found at www.greatbarrierisland.co.nz | Best rates guaranteed! Visit our website for other great accommodation packages | Gift vouchers available Mulberry Grove Store Meals, groceries, and much more – a one-stop shop for all your needs… • Cafe/restaurant – open 7 days • Takeaways • Authentic Thai cuisine • Award-winning gourmet pies • Great location – Fabulous views • Groceries • Fresh fruit and veg • Full tavern • Off-licence • Indoor/outdoor seating • Bottle store • Extensive wine collection • Ice, fishing gear, bait • Great Barrier Island honey • Gifts and souvenirs • Fuel – petrol and diesel • Garden supplies 09 4290 909 | 1 Mulberry Grove Bay Road, Great Barrier Island