Business North January 2025

| 35 Sheet Metal Solution Group Mix of experience builds success The company manufactures and install custom air-conditioning, ducting and ventilation systems on a range of commercial project T T Kelly Deeks REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Starting in Auckland in 2007 and expanding into Christchurch in 2012, Sheet Metal Solution Group has found success in both islands, with its combination of stateof-the-art equipment and the essential touch of highly skilled trades-people. These specialists take the pressure off builders and project managers as they manufacture and install custom air-conditioning, ducting and ventilation systems on a range of commercial projects. Sheet Metal Solution Group is something of an unlikely success story. Skilled migrants Oday Antaqi and Zena Jabawi arrived in New Zealand in 2002 and weren’t sure what they were going to do for employment. A sheet-metal installer friend needed a hand, and although inexperienced, Oday jumped at the chance. “He ended up with them for five years,” Zena says. “The company eventually closed down and going back to employment wasn’t really what he wanted to do. So Oday had made a few industry contacts and approached George Page, a very talented fabricator with more than 20 years of experience in both New Zealand and South Africa, and the three of us started Sheet Metal Solution Group. We started small with a couple of machines and a really tiny workshop.” When the GFC hit the following year, Sheet Metal Solution Group had to stay small for a while, but with Oday and Zena both business graduates, they always had a strategy in place. “We did it on the bare minimum,” Zena says. “We succeeded, and went from strength to strength. We’ve got a great mix of experience with our business backgrounds and our partner’s fabrication backgound. We really gel, and together we have built this business up to two locations and nearly 100 employees.” Sheet Metal Solution Group had identified a need in the market for a company to provide both the manufacture and installation of sheet metal ducting. The company Oday had previously worked for was an installation-only company, and would often have to wait around for a separate fabrication company to supply ducting for installation. “We saw the opportunity to set up a onestop-shop. What we offer is an A-to-Z service when it comes to the manufacture and installation of air-conditioning systems, ventilation, and ducting systems. “We pride ourselves on finding a solution that takes the pressure off the mechanical contractor’s hands on any project, regardless of its size.” This approach ensures Sheet Metal Solution Group’s continued success. Throughout this current recession, Sheet Metal Solution Group has stuck to its vision and employed survival strategies that have the company not only getting through, but fully prepared for what comes next. “You’ve got to have the right strategies up front,” Zena says. “You’ve got to read the market, know what is coming next, and be prepared. We are always in front of our customers, letting them know we are here and keeping us in their minds for when work becomes available. We’re always providing good products and good service, building our reputation and our immunity.” Auckland Branch Address: 23 Fremlin Place , Avondale 09 820 8150 Christchurch Branch Address: 19 Watts Road , Sockburn 09 820 8150 Leading Providers Of Sheet Metal Fabrication Services S M S Sheet Metal Solution Ltd P (09) 636 5951 Aircon Flange Ltd 113 Mays Rd Onehunga, Auckland Proudly supporting Sheet Metal Solution Group