38 | Tauranga - GrindKing T T Sue Russell Tech bringing creativity to concrete At Hamilton Airport another concrete design project shows striking bold variations in light and dark tones across the three main entrance-ways REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT GrindKing, a Tauranga-based specialist concrete technologies business, has made some adjustments lately, including the introduction of an exciting new technology to the market. Director Garth Urquhart says, despite reducing a little in size the business finds itself well positioned to move positively toward the end of this year and into the next. “The biggest thing we noticed was the residential new builds dwindled. However, balancing this, there’s been solid work coming in from the commercial sector. We are still doing quite a bit of private work,” he says. Garth has also taken up the opportunity to diversify somewhat by offering customers an exciting new technology, the only one currently available in the country, he believes. The portable concrete CNC machine allows for intricate patterning on concrete surfaces, and just about any other hard surfaces, be they horizontal or vertical, allowing for artistic effects to be added. Purchased from the US, the technology promises to revolutionise how concrete, as not only a structural but also an artistic medium, is applied. Another promising application for the technology is in creating permanent safety signage. “We’ve been involved in some wonderful projects using the CNC machine.” Garth says. “I see a really positive future for this particular service offering, as customers in both private and public contexts see the benefits that come from adding creative engraving elements to our already wonderful concrete forms.” Garth is keen to get the message out to not only individuals involved in the construction sector, but also to architects and designers, to councils and organisations inhabiting the public spaces, about what engraving concrete using the CNC technology can add to the overall impact and feel of a structure. “We have a wonderful project that’s been quite inspiring to be involved in along Cameron Road, in Tauranga, laying paving with engraved Maori designs on a portion of them, along a significant stretch of the footpath.” In all, about 35,000 pavers are being laid, with 10% of these engraved in stylised carving forms. “It’s amazing how the engraved pavers bring a whole new dimension to the look and feel of the project.” The benefits that come from using a CNC machine over sandblasting are significant. Garth says. “In sandblasting, you don’t have control of the depth, so using this methodology would destroy the pavers and the designs don’t turn out as clean as they do with CNC machining. The CNC delivers etching into the concrete at a precise depth that can be controlled and is consistent.” At Hamilton Airport another concrete design project shows striking bold variations in light and dark tones across the three main entrance-ways, complementing intricate etched glass panels on the doors into the terminal. Garth says there’s really no limit to what can be achieved. Beyond the use of this new technology, he says, it’s business as usual as GrindKing offers customers an array of concrete-finishing solutions. Known for its hard-wearing qualities and cost-effectiveness, concrete as a design form continues to undergo something of a revolution. “With the number of finishes we’re able to offer customers, more and more people are seriously looking at the functional and aesthetic values using this medium provides.” As the business-end of 2024 rapidly approaches Garth is looking forward to a continued upturn in the markets to which his company offers its expertise. “We’re feeling quite confident that as the economy continues to pick up with more money moving around the sectors we work across, we’ll have a very positive 2025 ahead.” Your Business, Your Industry, Your News. Each edition priority delivered to your door. i i i i li . www.waterfordpress.co.nz/subscriptions www.waterfordpress.co.nz/subscriptions 03 983 5525 03 983 5525 Stay informed; we work with business owners and decision-makers across all economic sectors, profiling their success. t i f r ; r it i r i i - r r ll i t r , r fili t ir . businessnorth for surface protection, packaging materials, site essentials, hoardings, dust and noise control barriers, and in-house vinyl graphics design and printing service to beautify your permanent and temporary walls. Our hoardings and sound buffers are also available to hire on request. We are your one-stop shop 27/23 Tukorako Drive, Mount Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 07 219 7375 bop@ultsol.co.nz Proudly Supporting GrindKing 067553320 | info@permacolour.co.nz | www.permacolour.co.nz New Plymouth, Auckland and Christchurch New Zealand's longest leading manufacturer and supplier of products for the decorative concrete industry. Including Coloured Concrete Coatings, Sealers, Densifiers, Additives, Tools and more.