44 | Project recognised at awards The project also called for the demolition and replacement of the 60-metre-long Park Estate Road bridge. T T from page 42 CONTRACTING Fulton Hogan - Auckland The project also called for the demolition and replacement of the 60-metre-long Park Estate Road bridge over the SH1 Motorway, and was another example of collaboration and engagement with adjacent stakeholders. “Through that consultation we agreed on a higher-impact/shorter-duration demolition methodology, which was one the project highlights. Demolition occurred over a 14-hour full shut of the motorway on a Saturday night through to the Sunday morning. The traditional demolition method of cutting smaller pieces of the bridge, lifting them out at night and opening the road in the morning would have taken a longer period of time and caused more stakeholder disruption. We opted for a mechanical means of demolition using excavators.” Stage 1B will include delivery of the shareduse walking and cycling path component and take the motorway upgrade through the Drury Interchange. Over the next 30 years, southern growth areas such as Pukekohe, Drury, Paerātā, and Takaanini, could provide up to 40,000 new homes, as well as new jobs. Investing in roading improvements play an important part in building a strategic transport network, which reinforces the Southern Motorway’s function to support national and regional economic growth, meeting the needs of the people who live, work and travel in the area. The SH1 Papakura to Drury project’s improvements will support economic growth by improving access along and across the motorway, enhancing local connectivity and resilience allowing people and goods to get where they want to go more efficiently with more reliable journeys. The project is being delivered under the Government’s Road of Regional Significance programme and is part of the wider Papakura to Bombay project. “We were committed to delivering the project with minimal disruption to stakeholders, and succeeded in delivering on that commitment.” jobs@npl.nz facebook.com/nplnz 0800 695 627 • Carpenters • Hammer Hands • Labourers • Heavy Machine Operators Ground level, 17 Hall Street, Pukekohe 09 200 2949 info@tdmconstruction.co.nz Proud to support Fulton Hogan CIVIL | INFRASTRUCTURE | DRAINAGE LAND DEVELOPMENT | TRANSPORT CIVIL CONSTRUCTION SPECIALISTS DEVELOPING A FUTURE. TOGETHER. www.tdmconstruction.co.nz BrianWalker Builders Ltd Award winning Master Builders that provides Quality Workmanship At Brian Walker Builders Ltd we specialise in New Residential builds, Alterations and Commercial Buildings. 0274 538693 baljwalker@xtra.co.nz www.brianwalkerbuilders.co.nz