Business North January 2025

| 9 Waitomo Group REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Core Values • Be empathetic • Respect • Treat others the way you want to be treated • Accept & include everyone’s contribution • Listening and understanding • Right people – Right results • Care that we get home safe • Friendships, fun, socialise people are us • Freedom in a FRAMEWORK • Be accountable • Be proactive • Be responsible • Respect others • Be a rolemodel • Speak up take ownership • Deliver what we promise • Gain trust and respect • Communicate • Be a rolemodel; set the standard • Exceed customer expectations • Commitment • Reliability we do what we say • Right frame of mind; an openmind • Be professional; attitude reflects on the company • Willing to do what it takes • Take pride • Passionate • Show empathy • Positive attitude is everything The TLL way - Achieving what matters... Right product, right quantity, right tank - on time - GUARANTEED! For a quarter of a century family owned and operated Tranzliquid Logistics Ltd has been providing specialist solutions to the Petroleum Transport Industry, including a well-established dispatch and scheduling hub. Headquartered in Mount Maunganui, with a leet of fuel tankers also based in Auckland, Morrinsville, Matamata, Palmerston North, Wellington, Timaru, Nelson and Dunedin, Tranzliquid provides bulk fuel logistics and cartage services to its customer network throughout New Zealand. While the company’s growth has included expansion into the bulk delivery of bitumen along with container transport for the dairy and kiwifruit industry, bulk fuel delivery to fuel stations, commercial customers and ship bunkering remains a core focus. At the heart of the business is husband and wife team, Greg Pert and Jackie Carroll. The perfect partnership for the industry, Greg’s extensive background with bulk hazardous goods and tanker operations is complemented with Jackie’s experience in health and safety and compliance. “We take care of a network of service stations including Waitomo and others, that we’re 100% responsible for,” says Jackie. “Looking after the fuel inventory with remote insight of onsite fuel levels for some customers within that network, is a real point of di erence. It enables us Celebrating 25 Years of FamilyOwned Petroleum Transport to schedule a delivery, ensuring the site is constantly stocked with fuel. Managing fuel inventories enables us to be nimble, make changes to our schedule and ensure prompt delivery. “Our partnership with Waitomo commenced about 20 years ago providing our delivery service capabilities.” For fuel customers outside of the network, Tranzliquid’s leet of branded tankers can provide an on-call service when demand exceeds those customers own tanker leet capacities. Re lecting on the company’s successful 25 years of growth, Jackie says being family owned and operated has ensured that decision making is very prompt. “That ultimately bene its the service o ering provided to our clients, as well as our ability to grow in response to their needs. Within our team we also have a lot of long-serving employees with a good depth of experience and industry knowledge.” More recently the couple have been joined by Greg’s son Gareth, who brings a new layer of skill set that includes contract negotiations, and maintains the family culture within the business, as well as consistency in succession. Tranzliquid continues to seek new opportunities to grow and provide its services within the Petroleum Industry with companies that demonstrate the same values. Hydrogen fuel is the future NOW Green hydrogen refuelling stations are now open in Auckland, Hamilton and Palmerston North, with Tauranga coming soon. With government subsidies available for businesses switching to hydrogen transport, there’s never been a better time to upgrade to hydrogen fuel cell or dual fuel vehicles. Fast refuelling Similar payload to diesel trucks Similar range Zero emission hydrogen