Business North January 2025

| 93 T T Anne Boswell Quality from foundations to finish Construction2 has entered a surprising new market this year – the renovation of early childhood centre playgrounds. Construction2 BUILDING It can be easy to gloss over building imperfections at the end of the process, according to Construction2 Ltd’s Scott McLean – but he is ensuring his company’s workmanship remains top quality throughout the building process, whether it’s visible or not. The Papamoa-based building company, established by Scott in 2015, specialises in high-quality alterations and renovations, working with clients to re-design their spaces into their dream homes. It has also entered a surprising new market this year – the renovation of early childhood centre (ECE) playgrounds. “Most of our clients are families wanting small extensions, kitchens or bathroom renovations; people that don’t want to progress to a new build,” Scott says. “They want to redesign their current home to fit their purpose. We sit down together to discuss what they are looking for, jumping on board with an architect early in the process to offer our input from a builder’s perspective. It helps iron out any teething problems early in the process.” But it is the ECE playgrounds work that Scott has really relished this year. “We were approached by a smaller ECE franchise that was looking to start upgrading the playgrounds at their centres,” he says. “There was a lot of research on the behavioural ecology of kids’ play undertaken prior to us starting the project.” Scott says the materials used in the playground renovation were more natural products, such as timber and Hinuera stone, with sustainable products and a move away from plastic playground equipment a key consideration. “The natural materials are hardier in the long run, and give children the chance to experience natural textures in their play.” The Auckland-based project was completed in six weeks and undertaken by nine subcontractor builders as well as a number of sub-trades. “It was a good learning curve for me, becoming up to date with the rules and regulations – we up-skilled very quickly,” Scott says. Construction2 has more ECE playground renovations in the pipeline for 2025. Scott says they are able to undertake projects throughout the North Island, travelling when required: they are in the process of renovating a 1905 villa in Matamata, restoring its historic features and feel, and they also have plenty of renovations and alterations underway in the Bay of Plenty region. It is important to him to maintain a high level of quality throughout the build, Scott says, and with many clients living on site amongst their renovations, he tells his staff that their building work is like a piece of artwork. “Each night the client will have a look at what we’ve done and subconsciously critique it,” he says. “If the quality is top-notch, they will walk away each night feeling good.” Scott says he has a deep appreciation for his staff, clients and subcontractors, who all work hard to keep the wheels of the business turning. “We’ve been lucky over the years to have a great client base,” he says. “And we have subcontractors that are ready to step up to the mark whenever needed; they have our back 100% of the time and we’ve developed an amazing relationship over the years we have worked together.” ...we o er competitive rates and a range of interior and exterior painting services. Professional nish guaranteed on all of our work. WITH OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE BAY OF PLENTY... The most trusted kitchen brand in New Zealand. Transforming your kitchen starts here. Book your consultation today! 07 927 7777 Fisher Windows Bay of Plenty is proudly locally owned and operated. Come talk to our experienced team to discuss our top quality joinery for your home. 07 543 5052 • WI NDOWS B AY O F P L E N T Y