Business North July / August 2021

54 | INDUSTRY Golden Bay Cement - End of Life Tyre Plant Operational challenges for project team from page 53 to page 56 Steve Noakes, Golden Bay Cement’s Project Manager, says an order was placed with FLS for the process equipment design, along with a supply of key components used in the plant upgrade, as soon as the decision was made to proceed with the project late in 2018. “A lot of the integration design work was completed in-house, while the structural design was led by BECA, complemented with Northland based Consultancy Hawthorn Ged- des Engineers & Architects,” explains Steve. Working within an existing operational site while upgrading and integrating the new equipment was just one of many challenges faced by the contractors and project team. “With any brownfield site conflicts and de- viations from the previous plant construction are always the biggest challenge. “Often the ‘as built’ structures are not accurate to the drawings. We tried to mitigate against this by doing a full area laser scan pri- or to commencement of the project’s design phase to get a more accurate ‘as built’ picture of the plant. “We were working with existing infrastruc- ture and services, which had to be modified to tie into, all whilst maintaining and operating the plant.”