Business North July / August 2021
64 | Predator control boosts Kiwi numbers Richard Loader Kiwi numbers in the Whangarei Heads have increased from 80 to 1000 over the last 12 years. FORESTRY Northland Wood Council - Hancock Forest Management A s Hancock Forest Management’s envi- ronmental forester for the Northland region, Tony Dwane says he gets excit- ed when he see the results of predator control in the region. Within the last dozen years the number of North Island Brown Kiwi in the Whangarei Heads has increased from 80 to the auspi- cious population of 1000, announced in the last couple of days. That increase has resulted in a lot of hard work and determination from kiwi recovery groups such as Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum Backyard Kiwi and the umbrella organ- isation Kiwi Coast, along with the generosity of the local communities and plantation forest owners. Based in Whangarei, Tony’s broad range of responsibilities includes all interactions with the councils, DOC and Heritage New Zea- land Pouhere Taonga, and he looks after the archaeological sites and the management of threatened species. “I’m also responsible for approving the plan- ning that goes into harvesting forests and the earthworks to ensure we’re not effecting any archaeological sites or damaging areas with significant biodiversity values.” Tony says HFM NZ strongly feels a moral re- sponsibility to ensure that any native species and habitats in its forests are maintained be- cause it is the kaitiaki of that land and as such has the responsibility to enhance it or growing the biodiversity as it is with kiwi. “That’s crucial to our long-term success as a forest manager. When you’re eliminating predators you’re enabling other species to flourish. “You’re protecting species such as kauri snails and other native birds and plants that are endangered. And you’re protecting the kauri because you are reducing the number of goats and pigs that may spread the Kauri Dieback pathogen.” According to Kiwi Coast, the Trust estab- lished to facilitate Kiwi recovery, in the last eight years 492,458 animal pests have been culled from Northland. A couple of weeks ago HFM NZ Northland undertook an aerial cull of goats, culling 250 in three forests within four hours. “We also do night shooting for rabbit and hares. The hares will snip young trees off like a pair of scissors and rabbits will graze the sides. The work we are doing benefits native species just as much as it does plantation forests.” Northland is divided into ecological districts and has areas identified as being of ecological significance some of which are within Hancock Forest Managed forests. Assessed as being good representative areas, they are of high value for protection as they reflect composition, condition, size and shape, and rare sites like wetlands that have diminished significantly. Once prevalent in Northland, Wetlands have now been reduced to just 4% of their former glory. Some forests can act as a buffers to estab- lished land care groups that are pro-actively undertaking predator programmes for the protection of kiwi and that is where Tony and HFM NZ became involved with Kiwi recovery groups. to page 67 By undertaking predator control in the forests there is a greater range for Kiwi to wander and set up their territories. “We started joining with groups actively involved in predator control where corridors could be created and where kiwi can move through their natural range. “Back in the day, there were parts of North- land with high populations of North Island Brown Kiwi. “They have largely gone now because of habitat loss or predation from various species, mainly mustelids — ferrets, stoats and wea- sels. “When you’re eliminating predators you’re enabling other species to flourish. You’re protecting species such as kauri snails and other native birds and plants that are endangered.” HOLMES GROUP Proud to partner with Hancock Forest Management