Business North July / August 2021
| 71 Rayonair Matariki Forests is New Zealand’s third largest forestry company with around 120,000 hectares of plantations on a 166,000-hectare land base. Rayonier Matariki Forests FORESTRY Rosewarne Cable Loggers (RCL) has always seen themany bene its of mechanisation, and strived to have well maintained equipment suitable for its designated purpose. FoundedbyLars andFionaRosewarne in 1997, RCLoperates inNorthland forest estates owned by Rayonier Matariki and Hancock Forest Management, producing 720,000 tonnes of logs on average each year. Over the years RCL has adapted its logging techniques speci ically to increase production, minimise environmental impact and, more importantly, for the health and safety of its workers; getting guys o the ground and intomachines. Congested skid sites andman-machine interaction saw the introduction of de-phased landings. “Two stage trucks were brought in and our operations spread out,” says Lars. “Wood is now extracted and processed at one landing then transported to a load-out skid, where it is sorted, quality-controlled and loaded out. Landings have become less congested; man-machine interaction is at aminimum.” Following a spate of fatalities within the forestry industry in themid-2000s, forest owners called for a higher percentage of their forests to be felledmechanically. Always innovative and forward thinking, and knowing steep slope harvestingwas the next step, Lars came upwith the idea of ROB— a remotely operated bulldozer with a doublewinch systemdesigned to assist fellingmachines on slopes up to 45 degrees. Flexibility and logging innovation Enlisting the help of local engineer Ian May in ROB’s design and in its manufacture, the irst ROB prototype was working by 2013. Since then, Rosewarne andMay have manufactured and sold thirty-two ROBs — of which sixteen have been exported to Canada. “There are currently four machines running on the early version – Mk-1, “ says Lars. “Although still very reliable and safe, Mk2, our upgraded and the current system is more operator-friendly. The biggest enhancement is to the control system. The tension system is now automated and more precise and the communication systembetween bulldozer and felling machine a lot better. Steep slope felling has allowed for larger amounts of the forests to be felledmechanically. We currently manage thirteen crews and operate six steep slope machines within their camps.” RCL operates three di erent types of harvesting systems: a fullymechanised ground-base, hauler and swing yarder. “We provide lexibility with crew con igurations tomeet speci ic needs and combined with earthwork crews, construct the infrastructure best suited to the con iguration, thus o ering a complete package to the Forest Owners.” Re lecting on Rosewarne’s success over the years Lars says other than a passion for innovation, the company’s success really comes down to being a family owned and operated business. • Specialised in all aspects of harvesting timber • Top Contractors engaged with professional workforce • Experienced in Forestry Earthworks • Experienced in Heavy Machine Transportation 09 430 3450 ROSEWARNE CABLE LOGGERS