Business North July / August 2021
76 | Harnessing region’s water From left, Hon Murray McCully (Trust Chair), Hon Dover Samuels (Trustee) Dr Jason Smith (Kaipara District Council Mayor) at an event to mark the start of construction on stage one of the reservoir in Kaipara. from page 74 INFRASTRUCTURE Te Tai Tokerau Water Trust The Trust has received a total of $68m from Kānoa - Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit (previously known as the Pro- vincial Development Unit/PDU) to complete the first stage of the project. Of this, $8.5m is in the form of a grant, the rest is a loan. The second stage of develop- ment, which will see the schemes in both regions enlarged, would be funded by the successful implementation of stage one and the recycling of this government funding. Work is currently underway on the first two reservoirs in the Trust’s scheme. Matawii, near Kaikohe, will store 750,000 m³ and stage one of Redhill reservoir near Te Kopuru will store 270,000 m³. Redhill is planned to expand to 3 million m³ as demand for more water was established and consents gained. Matawii, which was the first project nation- ally to be granted resource consent under the new COVID-19 (Fast-track consenting) Act 2020, is planned to be operational by mid-2022. Construction of the reservoir is expected to create 70 full time jobs. Project Leader Andrew Carvell has been connected to the water storage and distribu- tion project for two years. to page 78 WWLA is an employee owned, niche water consultancy that provides expert services and advice. These services are generally across the areas of water resources (hydrology, hydrogeology and irrigation), contaminated land, RMA planning, and primary sector developments. The company's managing director, Jon Williamson, established the company in 2015 and now employs approximately 20 highly motivated sta based out of o ices inWhangarei and Kumeu. WWLA has developed an enviable reputation as a service provider to the horticulture, irrigation and wider primary sector across the upper North Island, particularly in Northland. Since 2019 WWLA have been the lead service provider for the Northland Water Storage and Use Project leading a majority locally based team of sta and trusted advisors to deliver a what is potentially one of the most transformational projects to ever be undertaken in Tai Tokerau. Chris Frost, the irst Northland based employee in WWLA, has been integral to the success of the WWLA team, and the wider project, having been involved since the project’s inception back in 2013. “Whilst these projects were originally proposed back in the 70s and 80s, my involvement in the planning and development of the community water schemes in the Mid- North and the Kaipara has been an absolute privilege” Chris explains. “I have been lucky enough to form genuine meaningful relationships with farmers, growers, Maori and many others through this project over the past 8 years. Seeing this vision, which at times looked like it wouldn’t happen, become a reality is extremely rewarding, both from a sense of personal Adding value through sustainable and efficient use of natural and renewable resources accomplishment, but more signi icantly because of the bene its that I knowwill be realised by the local communities”. WWLA are currently involved in the majority of horticulture developments in Tai Tokerau in one way or another, generally from the outset due water being arguably the most critical element of a horticulture development. Whether it is providing support in regards to orchard setout, design or recontouring, through to designing, procuring and managing the construction of irrigation systems and reservoirs, WWLA is lexible enough to be involved as much or as little as required . “We’re absolutely committed to supporting farmers and growers as a priority and helping them realise their aspirations. We understand the importance and contribution those working in the primary sector bring to their region and the complex and often frustrating regulatory environment that we now have to work within.” Chris believes WWLA’s relatively small size, employee-ownership and local presence, gives it a unique culture, adding intrinsic value to the experiences for clients and the outcomes achieved. This is further complemented by a detailed understanding on the standards and drivers for solutions in the Primary Sector, which is often quite di erent to that of the urban areas. In addition to the primary sector WWLA deliver a variety of services to a diverse range of private, government and Iwi clients across Northland, Auckland and wider New Zealand. WWLA prides itself on their client focus, extremely high standard of specialist technical expertise, becoming long term trusted advisors, and adding measurable value to people’s businesses. Visit to ind out more.