Business North July / August 2021

86 | Surveyors add value to developments Kelly Deeks RPC Land Surveyors works with a wide range of clients, from individuals to corporations, all with a range of different requirements. CONTRACTING RPC Land Surveyors A s demand for housing in Auckland con- tinues to increase, RPC Land Surveyors is assisting land owners to maximise the value of their land, adding value to urban and rural land developments. RPC Land Surveyors has a long and proud history of surveying, beginning in 1970 in Whakatane, opening a second branch in Mount Maunganui, and then a third branch in Auckland 20 years ago. Today, RPC Land Surveyors continues to work with a wide range of clients, from individuals to corporations, all with a range of different requirements. RPC Land Surveyors remains committed to bringing knowledge, expertise, and perspective, and utilising the latest technology to help clients ensure their wider land development objectives are effec- tively met. RPC Land Surveyors Auckland director Hilton Watson says the company provides a one-stop service from the initial feasibility stage, through the scope of the project, the consent application, infrastructure construc- tion, construction set outs and as-builts, land surveying services, to the council compliance. “We can come in and out at any point of the project as required, but the value of the end- to-end service means no waiting on different people. Once you’re in our system, the project will flow smoothly and when you’re a property developer, time is money.” Hilton says the market in Auckland is increasing in density, with the development of stand-alone houses now a rare thing. Rather, duplexes, multi-dwelling units, and multiple homes in the place of one are becoming com- monplace. “Part of that is because of the Unitary Plan. There’s not a lot of land available to free up for big greenfield subdivisions like there was five years ago. Auckland Council has worked really hard with the Unitary Plan to free up land, make it more viable to subdivide, and increase household units on the ground.” The Unitary Plan achieves this with a few key changes. The need for density is eliminated, so one house per so many square metres is no longer required. Density is managed through site coverages, height to boundary, building height, access, outlook and outdoor living ar- eas. The minimum section size has also been eliminated, unless creating vacant sections, car parking requirements have dropped from a minimum of two down to one, the required area of private outdoor open space has been reduced. “All of this frees up land and allows people to maximise what they have, based on design,” Hilton says. “Auckland Council has worked really hard with the Unitary Plan to free up land, make it more viable to subdivide, and increase household units on the ground.” “You can fit as many homes as you want on your section, based on the design meeting the criteria of the Unitary Plan. So, while Council may have removed density and the minimum lot size, there is still a very key component called outlook space. You need to have sepa- ration between buildings so you have amenity, sunlight, and people have enjoyment and access to the property.” With construction costs increasing all the time, and consenting delays costing time and money, the professional team at RPC Land Surveyors can put the profit back into the project. RPC Land Surveyors is busy, and won’t be able to grow until suitably qualified and licensed cadastral surveyors can come to New Zealand from overseas. “It’s indus- try-wide at the moment, everything to do with construction from earthworks contractors to drainlayers to concrete placers to builders to engineers, everyone is flat stick.” RPC Land Surveyors remains a professional firm offering a professional service, and is being open with its valued clients about time lines. “We still value you, and we want to be able to service you and to reach your dreams and aspirations.” 2020 H o m e B u i l d e r s e s