Business North July / August 2021

| 87 BUILDING Ken Wilson Builders Sue Russell K en Wilson returned from working overseas in 2005 and established Ken Wilson Builders Ltd, which now resides in Hibiscus Coast , Whangaparaoa. He loves what he does each day and has been a builder for 28 years. Concentrating only on the residential mar- ket Ken says the company size works well for the type of builds it takes on. “There’s just me and three others and I like that. It means we’re all hands-on and I don’t miss anything. “At the moment I have an apprentice on board and his training is going well, but at times I have had more than one apprentice at a time, and will be hiring again soon ” says Ken. Having also undertaken a number of weath- er-proofing remediation jobs Ken says today the standards governing how homes are built are much more stringent. “While it’s been a really tough time for these home owners, from a builder’s perspective, working on a home that has failed is the best way for apprentices, new builders and myself to learn why things didn’t originally work and to ensure the same design mistakes don’t occur again.” He also feels the BCITO apprenticeship pathway works well and over his time has employed 8 apprentices. As a Licensed Building Practitioner (Carpen- try) Ken often offers his insight into the design of a home, from the builder’s perspective. He says this really works well. “I input if I can see a way that the design might work better and there’s a continual conversation between the designer, client and myself, while a build is underway.” And with a boom in residential construction Ken says he’s busier than ever. Communication with clients the key While focusing on residential work, Ken also undertakes any aspect of home construction including landscaping, retaining walls, decks and development of outdoor spaces. “The work we have across my desk at the moment takes us pretty much through to the end of next year.” “It’s a very competitive market at the mo- ment and I think key to getting good projects is to have built a reputation around really solid communication with your clients right through the build. Because the size of the team, the owner is dealing with me which really works well.” While focusing on residential work, Ken also undertakes any aspect of home construction including landscaping, retaining walls, decks and development of outdoor spaces. Only a few years ago, one of Ken’s projects won a Silver award for ‘Auckland New Build’ at the Master Builder Awards, a project that was Designed by CreativeArch Architects. The next new build, for repeat clients, which is due to start shortly, is one he is look- ing forward to. As for the future, Ken says, that he is happy to grow the business over time, but also wants to remain very hands-on, so there is a balance to be found. “I think this is always the question that comes up for business owners; just how much do you work in the business balanced with working on the business.” P R O U D L Y S U P P O R T I N G K E N W I L S O N B U I L D E R S