Business North June 2022

IMG – experience and expertise Six months short of its twentieth anniversary, IMG (Integrated Maintenance Group) has come a very long way since its early days as a 12-man operation working in the steel sector. IMG was born in a small workshop in Waiuku in 2003 with New Zealand Steel its main customer and a focus on heavy industrial engineering maintenance servicing and capital projects at the Glenbrook site. Founder and Director Bruce Bonner recalls that in those days it was a lot easier to get casual sta and for many people that was their livelihood — moving from one shut down maintenance project to the next. “At one point we had 604 sta on the New Zealand Steel site for four days.” While retaining the New Zealand Steel contract, IMG has continued to diversify through a typically Kiwi can-do mentality and innovation. Now employing 250 full time people, IMG has a reputation as an industrial specialist providing maintenance, capital projects, steel fabrication and specialist services to leading manufacturing, commercial, industrial and utility providers. Bruce says along with the IMG team and quality workmanship, looking for solutions, o ering new ideas and being a good partner have been central to the company’s success. Two years after relocating IMG to Wiri in 2015 Bruce saw an opportunity to purchase Stevenson Engineering in East Tamaki. For Bruce, it was also coming full circle as he had not only served his apprenticeship at Stevenson Engineering but had been appointed Workshop Manager in the late ‘90s. “We had 120 full time sta when we took over Stevenson Engineering which came with around eighty of its own sta . It had a massive workshop so we relocated our team there. That’s where our Head O ice remains to this day.” There have been other acquisitions along the way and IMG now has workshops in Whangarei, East Tamaki and Kawerau. Two and a half years ago IMG purchased McRaes Global, a leader in hydraulics design, technology, control systems and servicing to a wide range of New Zealand industries including defence, marine, industrial, energy, oil and gas. McRaes Global continued to trade under its own name, but in June this year will be rebranded to ‘one IMG’. The acquisition of McRaes Global enabled IMG to expand its portfolio, making it one of New Zealand’s best equipped, technologically varied, independent engineering companies. IMG is also in the process of building a new multi-million dollar state-of-the-art 2000sqm hydraulics and engineering facility in Rotorua, which will be completed in July. “The attractiveness for Rotorua was its proximity to where our work is,” says Bruce. “If you draw an hour’s drive radius around Rotorua you can cover a lot of area. So Rotorua is very central for us. McRaes’ Rotorua Branch lease ran out May last year but the landlord has worked with us and we’re renting it month-by-month, until the new building is completed.” IMG is also undergoing a restructure with the appointment of Group General Manager, Colin Daly, who brings a wider business background and the discipline of corporate and team building at senior management level, complementing Bruce’s entrepreneurial spirit. Innovative engineering, maintenance, capital projects, fabrication and specialist services IMG is a New Zealand based industrial specialist providing maintenance, capital projects, fabrication and specialist services to leading manufacturing, commercial, industrial and utility providers. We have the experience, track record, capability, resources, quality controls, and health and safety process to work in most heavy industrial sectors including pulp and paper, mineral processing, power generation, dairy, food & beverage, oil & gas, petrochemical and infrastructure. 0800 182 222