| 55 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION Pipeline & Civil Some of the Pipeline & Civil team - the compnay says a change of perception about civil construction careers is a critical change point for the industry going forward. CARTAGE CONTRACTORS LIMITED ORATIA Richard 0274 985 974 Lindsay 021 985 974 malam.oratia@xtra.co.nz www . c l l . n e t . n z ( 0 9 ) 4 1 2 7 0 4 8 i n f o @ c l l . n e t . n z PILING SLIP STABILISATION RETAINING WALLS ROPE ACCESS EXCAVATIONS FOUNDATIONS & CONCRETE WORK CIVIL STRUCTURES GROUND ANCHORS WICK DRAINS RAMMED AGGREGATE PIERS GROUND IMPROVEMENTS Trusted Suppliers to the Civil, Roading, Infrastructure and Energy Sectors. Supporting Pipeline & Civil with Reliable, Quality Safety Supply Solutions.