| 67 HORTICULTURE Torere Macadamias The Waihau Bay/Raukokore Macadamia group of growers under the largest pohutukawa tree on mainland NZ. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL & LICENSED CADASTRAL SURVEYORS SUBDIVISIONS & LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTATION RESOURCE CONSENT (SUBDIVISION) APPLICATIONS MAORI LAND PARTITIONS, OCCUPATIONS & PAPAKAINGA BOUNDARY LOCATION & REDEFINITION SURVEYS TOPOGRAPHIC SITE SURVEYS & GPS SURVEYS ENGINEERING, BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION SET-OUTS HORTICULTURAL & AGRICULTURAL SURVEYS Maximising the Orchard Layout Kevin and Diane Taylor of Survey Gisborne Limited are proud of the long-standing professional working relationship they have with Vanessa and Rod of Torere Macadamias that has spanned more than 24 years. Their latest project, due to commence shortly, involves the potential development of Maori Land near Ruatoria which is to be planted out in macadamias. “Viticulture and horticulture are an important industry to our local economy,” says Diane, “and we’re pleased to be involved.”. Survey Gisborne Ltd. use their expertise and equipment to coordinate the legal boundaries then design the layout of a new orchard. Taking into account both row orientation and tree spacings they work to maximise the number of macadamia trees that can be planted. An accurate site plan using up-to-date information also provides the basis for digital data that can be uploaded into an orchard management software or app. Survey Gisborne Limited was founded in March 1999 by Kevin and was later joined by Diane as co-owner in 2013—forming a very successful husband and wife partnership. “We value the professional relationships we have established with clients throughout New Zealand,” says Diane. “We also value our small team of surveyors who can undertake a wide range of specialist land surveying services that include a mixture of rural, lifestyle and urban subdivisions, boundary rede initions, topographic / site surveys, Maori Land partitions, occupation surveys and covenant surveys, to name a few.” Based in Gisborne, the survey teammainly covers an area from East Cape south to Wairoa and west to Opotiki. The company’s core business focus has recently been on meeting the demands for subdividing and developing land for housing. The Tairawhiti region has been a hive of activity over the last two years recording some the largest double-digit growth in land and housing values in the New Zealand. “We have also experienced a signi icant increase in demand for topographic / site surveys and building setouts for both new builds and relocatable homes,” says Diane. “A common theme is that our clients, or their whanau, are moving back home to the East Coast and are often looking to invest in developing or building. People returning home from the larger cities and overseas are enjoying a more ful illing lifestyle. We have never experienced such an extreme demand in the past for professional surveying services at this level. It’s fair to say that the services for licensed cadastral surveyors to undertake subdivisions and other legal types of land surveys are currently “through the roof”. Our current waiting list for potentials clients wanting to subdivide is phenomenal and unprecedented.” With the number of projects Survey Gisborne have in the pipeline they’re excited to be able to o er an opportunity to a suitably quali ied people, especially a licenced cadastral surveyor. “We’re looking for someone who is passionate about surveying to join our team.