AHS Group is a construction company with the ability to o er the full package from design and project management, through to the construction of projects. With o ces based in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty, AHS Group are well positioned to support clients with a wealth of knowledge and experience in design, build and project management. Managing Director, Peter Davenport says the bulk of the company’s work is across the two regions and traditionally the focus has been on servicing the medical sector, specialising in t-outs. AHS Group assisted architect Andrew Ward when he designed the new Te Puna Kindergarten, providing him with feedback on the best way to build in cost-e ciencies into the design. “We worked quite a lot with Andrew on the selection of materials; meeting the sustainability needs without compromising cost e ciencies really drove this project into form.” AHS Group carefully selected a team of builders to construct Te Puna Kindergarten. “It just means we have much more control right through the process using our own people who understand the quality and standard of work we deliver. The whole build was pretty seamless and went very well”. The team working with Peter include architects, architectural designers, project managers, quantity surveyors, as well as commercial and residential site managers. “My role has shifted to more of a strategic enabling focus, given the quality of the team carrying their respective responsibilities. We have about 50 sta now and we work with an extremely collaborative approach,” Peter explains. It’s the exibility of the sta that allows AHS Group to deliver high-quality, cost e ective projects on schedule and it’s this reputation that underpins its success and growth. Finding the right people to bring into the business is never easy, given the specialised nature of its operation and with this in mind AHS Group is currently developing a QS Cadet scheme. “We have a QS student currently training at Wintec working with us two days a week. It gives her a real hands-on practical experience to back up the theoretical learning.” The focus has always been to employ apprentice builders so creating a similar model for allied professionals, such as QS’s, just seemed to make sense. “We have a very good senior team who are more than happy to pass on their learning to those just beginning their careers. It creates a really engaging work culture that everyone bene ts from.” The AHS Group website is full of useful information about the array of disciplines and skill-sets they o er clients along with examples of the outstanding projects within their portfolio: www.ahsgroup.co.nz AHS Group - the full package ahsgroup.co.nz | 021 242 2217 | admin@ahsgroup.co.nz TE PUNA KINDERGARTEN ARCHITECT: MOD ARCHITECTURE RESIDENTIAL HEALTH COMMERCIAL