Business North June 2024

22 | Waikato: Habitat for Humanity - Vaile Court T T KAren Phelps Pensioner housing units welcome The new pensioner units will comprise a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living area as well as an outdoor space. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT A partnership between Waipā District Council and community housing provider Habitat for Humanity is proving a sound model for delivering much needed pensioner housing units to Cambridge, says Habitat for Humanity chief executive of the central region Nic Greene. “We’ve had a long standing relationship with Waipā District Council, especially around housing for older people, and have been in conversation for some time about adding additional supply to meet need,” says Nic. With only registered community housing providers able to access the government subsidy for such projects, the partnership has seen the efficient delivery of the Vaile Court project. Council has said that Waipā District Council is one of the few councils in New Zealand, which still provides housing for older people in the community and is proud to continue to invest in this space. Nic says the model allows both council and Habitat for Humanity to leverage their expertise. The units will be owned by Council but leased to Habitat for Humanity to manage and select tenants, initially for 10 years with a five-year right of renewal. “It’s about partnership where everybody plays to their strengths,” says Nic. “For example council’s ability to build and hold assets and Habitat for Humanity’s to manage and tenant the homes, as an entity whose sole job is the provision of housing.” The Vaile Court project will deliver 10 one-bedroom, one-storey housing units on the corner of Thompson Street and Shakespeare Street in Leamington next to the Council’s existing Vaile Court housing for the elderly complex, which is already home to 17 tenants. The existing Vaile Court units will continue to be managed by council along with other council-owned units in Te Awamutu and Kihikihi. The new units will comprise a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and living area as well as an outdoor space. They will be constructed to a six Homestar rating, which Nic says means they will be warmer, drier and healthier and cheaper to run. Habitat for Humanity was also involved in the design of the properties to make sure they were fit for purpose for a long-term council asset. Supply chain issues and rapidly escalating construction costs were the main challenges in delivering the project. It is being constructed by nationally recognised commercial and industrial construction company Livingstone Building. Working with local and central government, Livingstone Building has a strong history in supporting the development of community projects such as Vaile Court. Habitat for Humanity in New Zealand is a part of Habitat for Humanity an international not-for-profit organisation that began in the United States in 1976. As a registered community housing provider and charity, Habitat is committed to improving housing outcomes in this country. Nic says that Habitat is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action. “Our mission is to bring people together to build homes, communities and hope.Habitat for Humanity strongly believes in a hand-up, not a hand-out.” Nic says the Vaile Court project, which is due for completion mid 2024, is a perfect example. “Waipā District Council has been great to work with and we look forward to the day we can tenant these homes and people have somewhere safe, warm and dry to live.” “Our mission is to bring people together to build homes, communities and hope. Habitat for Humanity strongly believes in a handup, not a hand-out.” ̍̇΄$ƞņĎ΄¢ƖƂĎĎƖ͚΄AƂåœņƖŜœ͚΄IåőijʼnƖŜœ őåƊƖĎƂāƂåĦƖ͟āŜ͟œdž΄΄̅̌΄̍̉̌΄̍̆̎̈ iåƊƖĎƂāƂåĦƖ΄_ijƖāĮĎœƊ΄ÎåijņåƖŜ΄Ͳ΄ſƂŜƞĈ΄ƖŜ΄ƊƞſſŜƂƖ΄ƖĮĎ΄ĦåœƖåƊƖijā΄ƶŜƂņ΄ŜĦ΄΄ aijƵijœħƊƖŜœĎ΄ ƞijʼnĈijœħ΄kÞ 616 Te Rapa Road, Hamilton | p. 07 849 6099 | Domestic & Commercial Design, Sales & Installation • Carpet • Vinyl • Tiles and much more... • Timber • Rugs • Overlocking Proud to provide ooring for the Vaile Court Project