Business North June 2024

46 | Quality apprentice training company focus Plumbing perfection: Aquaholics’ growth has mainly come from word-of-mouth referrals. Aquaholics T T Sue Russell CONTRACTING Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying business Aquaholics has experienced a successful period of solidification since first establishing ten years ago in Tauranga. Today, the company has a second branch in Hamilton, founded in 2018 and in all, employs 38 staff in Tauranga, and a further 8 in Hamilton. Kieran Rutherford and Brad Mahoney founded Aquaholics and were later joined by Baden Coleman as a fellow-director. Asked why the decision was made to establish a second-post in Hamilton, Kieran says it made sense with many of the company’s main contractors based in the city. Aquaholics has always offered the three disciplines and all staff trained become qualified in plumbing, gas-fitting and drain-laying. Growth has been through word-of-mouth, and in tandem with success of their client’s own businesses. This organic growth has created a more secure environment on which to base strategic decisions. “We have commercial projects booked to take us well into 2025 and on the drainage and civil fronts to the end of 2024, so we’re in a very positive situation,” Kieran says. By concentrating on what Kieran describes as the ‘higher-end’ drainage and commercial work and light to medium work in the industrial space, there’s always plenty of work and variety to fill the days. Apprentices are engaged in both branches, seven in the Bay of Plenty and a further three in the Waikato and plenty of support and opportunity is offered these new ones into the sector. “Each week we do an apprentice run with targeted training. We place a lot of importance on good quality training as they are the future of the industry. To complete training to our standard takes upward of four years. It’s a long-term commitment so we’re always looking out for potential staff with the right work ethic.” Asked about a current project occupying the team in Tauranga Kieran says the new Tauranga City Council building at 90 Devonport Road is offering plenty of challenges. “It’s eight storey in height and we’re doing the plumbing and drainage on this job. The drainage system is quite complex as it is connecting up just before the sea in the harbour.” One of Kieran’s responsibilities, is to look ahead and procure work. When Business North spoke with him, Kieran was pursuing projects extending into years 2025 and 2026. He says a challenge for the industry, like many related to construction and development is ensuring a good constant supply of skilled labour. “We put a lot of effort into aligning ourselves with the right people and in keeping relationships very positive. A successful business attracts good people to it.” And simply living the old saying of treating people as you would want to be treated, has given Aquaholics a well-grounded positive reputation in the sector. “We know it is pretty tough out there at the moment with the cost of living in the economy. We pay our guys the best we can and support them as much as we are possibly able to.” All in all, in the space of 10 years and looking back Kieran says he, Brad and Baden are very happy with where the company is positioned now. “We have many excellent clients we gain repeat work from and as long as we continue to support our team with good training and conditions and look after our clients with good honest work, we feel very confident about the future.” Branches Nationwide 100% kiwi Plumbing World is a co-operative, 100% owned by Kiwi plumbers and builders. That means all the money you spend with us stays here in New Zealand. Everything plumbing. Totally covered. We are proud to support AQUAHOLICS LIMITED