68 | Kainga Ora a core customer The development consists of three blocks of units and a mix of terrace homes and walk-up apartments. Completion date is September. T T from page 66 ICONIQ Group: Clevedon DEVELOPMENT “While there is no internal garaging there is a communal car parking area within the development,” says Todd. “Because the development is also in very close proximity to nearby parks and the main township of Papakura, and near a main transport hub, it was purely designed for urban living. We didn’t see a need to provide a communal social area on this occasion. In some of our larger developments we have included a community house that tenants can rent for special events.” Demolition of the existing houses on site was undertaken in November last year, with a soft start to construction prior to Christmas, and gaining momentum in January. “We did come across some unforeseen ground conditions, with the ground being a lot softer than what we expected,” says Todd. “That led to having to utilise 115 28-metre screw piles across the development to support the structures. We are now at a stage where roofs are going on the units, and the cladding is about to start in the next couple of weeks. We expect to hand the keys over to Kainga Ora in September this year.” In 2019, after a stellar career spent in the construction industry, rising from carpenter, to project manager, to managing very substantial multi-level construction projects working for other companies, Todd recognised the time was right to step into the construction world in his own right, establishing ICONIQ Group. ICONIQ Group was founded to provide land acquisition solutions, using the development knowledge and experience that Todd had accumulated over the years, and provide full turn key solutions. ICONIQ Construction was founded shortly afterwards with Nathan Te Miha as a co-director, to build for the government and other entities such as multiple iwi partners. “Our core customer is Kainga Ora but we also partner with iwi across the North Island, to deliver multi-unit medium density residential housing projects. We adopt a relational partnership approach with our clients, identify possible issues, and work with the client to find solutions, get the best outcome and deliver the projects.” Since commencing business, ICONIQ Group has consistently doubled or tripled its revenue and Todd says that despite the market slowing down, the company is on track to do that again this year with their current pipeline of work. “We are a young and dynamic team and pride ourselves on delivery; doing what we say we will do, and I think that’s why our clients enjoy working with us. That has opened up doors into multiple other regions for us to enter into as well.” While ICONIQ Group’s commercial office is in Auckland, the company also has operational branches in Whangarei and Gisborne, and has been asked by its customer to open offices in Napier and Hastings to undertake a large volume of social housing work there. “We are constantly expanding. In Gisborne we’ve started our own Māori trades academy, as part of our social outcomes’ initiative. There are currently about ten young men in that academy building transportable homes for Kainga Ora.” r" y ; "V ; M ̨ _UU"r ; M o MU ; V1 ˒ r ; V 1" ̨ 1 y 0 ; ; V1 U ; V "V V " ̨ "U"r1"V M M _ y ˇ˛˘ ˙˔˦˧˘˦˧ ˚˥ˢ˪˜ˡ˚ ˣ˟˨ˠ˕˜ˡ˚ ˖ˢˠˣ˔ˡˬ ˜ˡ ˁ˘˪ ˍ˘˔˟˔ˡ˗ ˃˥ˢ˨˗˟ˬ ˪ˢ˥˞˜ˡ˚ ˔˟ˢˡ˚˦˜˗˘ ʼʶ˂ˁʼ˄ ʺ˅˂ˈ˃ Our team is comprised of highly trained electricians in all types and sizes of Residential, Retail, Commercial and Infrastructure projects. We have extensive experience in all electrical works including, ICT, Alarms, Automation and Design. 0800 USE BME service@bmeltd.co.nz www.bmeltd.co.nz RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RETAIL SERVICES MAINTENANCE & SERVICING HEALTH & SAFETY INFRASTRUCTURE Check out our Socials Here! • Interior & Exterior Painting • Roof Painting • Wallpaper Hanging • Touch-Up’s • Feature Wall’s • Insurance Repair Work • Paint / Roof / Wallpaper Stripping • Staining & Varnish • Interior Plastering • Aluminium Repairs & Colour Changes • Powder Coating www.gkd.nz 0508 458 458