Business North March 2022

| 13 Far North Holdings: United Civil Construction The project involves an extension of the existing wooden boardwalk which then links to a 550-metre gravel path ending at Māori Point. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 021 798 525 JOHNSON BROS – MARINE CONSTRUCTION Proudly the exclusive marine contractor to United Civil on the Mangonui Waterfront Project. • Northland-based marine construction company specialising in Dredging, Wharfs, Jetties, Floating Structures and Tug & Barge Operations. • Green field turn key solutions: Concept – Design – Resource Consent – Construction Proudly supporting Far North Holdings Kaitaia (09) 408 1450 | • Residential • Commercial • Maintenance • Solar • Heat Pumps A: 120 Foundry Road, Silverdale P: 0508 432 115 E: W: A product range of Northpine Appraisal No.986 [2017] Radiata pine grown in Northland is the strongest and VWLIIHVW PDWXUH SLQH SURGXFHG LQ 1= 7KHUHIRUH LW·V LGHDO IRU specialist structural uses such as beams, square posts and SG10 applications. SPECIFY NORTHBEAM. Northpine has proudly supplied Northbeam solid timber beams and square posts to United Civil Construction for the new Mangonui Wharf project. (centre photos) 6SHFLÀHUV FDQ XVH RXU KHOSIXO 6* 6* 6SDQ 7DEOHV WR FDOFXODWH the best products for their projects. Specify Northbeam on your plans and inform your builder or merchant.