30 | Mount Pack & Cool REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Cutting edge facilities from page28 State-of-the-art facilities at Mpac’s Tauranga facility. Career options - page 32 Contact: 027 556 0357 Address: 24 Aerodrome Road, Mt Maunganui PO: PO BOX 10 135, Bayfair, Mt Maunganui Email: bevan@leaderscaffolding.co.nz Website: www.leaderscaffolding.co.nz Proud to be associated with Mount Pack N Cool bcdgroup.nz Hamilton | Tauranga | New Plymouth | Auckland | Napier 07 839 9107 CONSULTING TEAM OF ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS FOR THE MOUNT PACK AND COOL PROJECT STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING | GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING FIRE ENGINEERING | MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DRAUGHTING | PLANNING | SURVEYING | ENVIRONMENTAL “Our state of the art facilities result in good orchard gate returns and we are industry leaders in that regard. Our costings are very competitive and our performance has been good with some of the highest orchard gate returns in the industry.” Brendon puts this down to a combination of site layout, technology and good people. For example when fruit arrives at Mpac it is put in a unique bin curing room for 24-48 hours that is temperature and humidity controlled. “This allows the fruit to cool slowly and by keeping humidity at 99% the fruit isn’t losing weight, which improves growers pack outs. This facility was custom designed and has been a significant benefit to our growers.” Brendon also puts Mpac’s success down to its people: “They’ve really stepped up and taken on the challenge. It’s about having the right people and making sure we continue to grow the human capacity alongside the physical capacity.” He says Mpac has been focusing on transitioning staff to more advanced roles within the company by providing the right training as well as bringing new people on board. The pandemic has meant a shortage by about 20% of the usual seasonal workers for Mpac but Brendon says the team has stepped up to get the business through the pressure points. Many Mpac staff have been with the company from its inception, contributing to a strong family culture and a desire to get the best out of one another. “Relationships are at the heart of our business and ensure staff care about every individual grower and also every piece of fruit as if it’s their own.” He says the market continues to have a strong appetite for Sungold and the Zespri brand, which has been popular for its very sweet taste with higher sugar content. Mpac is majority owned by experienced Bay of Plenty kiwifruit operators who formed JACE Group. JACE Group can cover the entire supply chain of kiwifruit from the orchard to the consumer. As the majority shareholder of Mpac, JACE Group owns three other subsidiary companies of Mpac - Apac, GroPlus and Pollen Plus. Brendon says that Mpac has developed a solid reputation among growers for trust, respect, integrity and all-round excellence.