Business North March 2023

30 | Northland Forestry Awards: Rosvall Sawmill Richard Loader A real niche player in the market The Whareora site, about 10 kilometres north-east of Whangarei. FORESTRY to page 32 From a bush sawmill on the Rosvall family farm cutting contract logs and farmers’ woodlots back in the ‘70s, Rosvall Sawmill has evolved as a niche player in the market, processing over 70,000 tonnes of Northland’s logs each year, producing both structural and appearance grade timber. The company’s journey included the establishment of an ITM retail store in Whangarei, along with a truss and frame business. Mark Hansen joined the business in 1996 as financial controller at a time when the mill wasn’t very economic, didn’t have modern technology and was struggling. “I had an accounting background but I had grown up amongst sawmills,” says Mark. “I had just returned from Australia and was looking for a sawmill in Northland that I could put my skills to. From ’97 through to 2006 we rebuilt the sawmill site to make it effective and efficient and I started buying into the plant in 2000. We developed a modern sawmill on the Whareora site, about 10 kilometres northeast of Whangarei city, and developed export markets.” A major change occurred in 2012 that would have a significant impact on the direction and success of the business. The retail and frame plant businesses were split away, with one of the company’s senior owners going with them as an independent merchant, leaving John Rosvall and Mark as 50/50 shareholders of Rosvall Sawmill. “The change allowed us to trade to all the merchants, which proved very successful for the mill, and to continue development of our export markets. In November 2020 I bought John out, and now own Rosvall Sawmill outright. Our last three years have been our most successful years to date.” Phone: 021 346 902 Craig Turner | Turners Transport Services Ltd 21 Te Hape Road, Maunu RD 9, WHANGAREI 0179 We are proud to be technology partners. TimberSmart Congratulates Rosvall Sawmill in winning the Northland Forestry Awards. LOGMANAGEMENT | SAWMILLING | TIMBER PROCESSING | ONLINE SOLUTIONS | TRADING