Business North March 2023

| 39 Northland Forestry Awards: Newey Transport FORESTRY Newey Transport owns 17 trucks in its 35-strong fleet. vice to the forest industry through log cartage either to the mills or Northport.” Ian says the company culture is about people looking after people — if that is your goal, everything else is pretty simple. Success seldom comes in isolation from other people, and Ian tells me that he and Shelley have had an amazing support network around them, particularly with their parents who have frequently come to the fore with child minding duties and moral support. His own father has been a wonderful mentor throughout the journey. “We also have a great team of dedicated reliable people working for us. Our longest serving driver is Bernie Gunson who has been with us for seventeen years. Our culture is also about driver safety. We ask the drivers to drive these big fifty tonne rigs down the road, and some days they are not up to it. We all have those days, so you have to create a culture where it is OK to say, hey boss, I am not up to driving today.” Ian also praises Shelley with taking Newey Transport from strength to strength, particularly over the last five years when she has been working in the business full time. With a degree in Human Resources from Waikato University, Shelley worked for the New Zealand Refining Company in senior HR roles for several years, till taking her place at Newey Transport. “She is a people person and has taught me how to look after people. That is her passion. This is not a one-person operation. You have to have people to lean on. You have to have a balance and Shelley has been my rock. And she would say I have been her rock too. We have similar goals and you get to bounce ideas off each other — it’s a true partnership.” www.ten 09 470 0850 FREE FOR TWO WEEKS! Simple Transport Management Software. From the glimmer of an idea, and driven by the desire to help a friend tame the paper trail, transport management solutions specialist MyTrucking is set to celebrate nine successful years this year, with more than ten million jobs invoiced for users in New Zealand and around the world. Established in 2014 by Wairarapa couple Sam and Sara Orsborn, MyTrucking was developed alongside a local transport business to stream-line a laborious paper-based system, and in particular lessen the administrative burden of invoicing. MyTrucking’s initial offering proved popular among several other transport companies, so Sam and Sara approached a local software developer to help make it available to a wider audience. Sam and Sara now work alongside a team of fifteen, who each bring different skills to the table and work together to achieve a shared vision for the company and its customers. Values that guide decision-making at MyTrucking revolve around the customer’s needs and wanting to make the software as efficient and easy to use as possible. That means only needing to enter a job once to have it flow through to invoicing and, being cloud-based, there is access from anywhere with a wifi connection. With an easy-to-use customer portal, driver app and auto-pricing, office and fleet can run smoothly with minimal face-to-face contact. “It’s all about reducing time, removing mistakes, improving communication and making invoicing easy,” says Sara. “Job information flows from your daysheet to the driver, the customer and the invoice — and you can ditch the paper diary!” Northland’s Ian and Shelley Newey from Newey Transport say that it was great to have the ‘no-obligation’ trial and get a feel for the software. “I was sold on it pretty much straight away and could see the efficiencies we could gain from it,” says Ian. “Our dispatcher can dispatch trucks remotely from a tablet in his home. We’re doing around seventy-five loads a day and he’s the point of contact for thirty drivers and ten logging crews. To be able to put a portion of his work it into an app-system has made everyone’s job easier.” Accurately capturing data from drivers is a huge plus and Ian says the efficiency gains are huge. “The workload in the office has dropped. Sign-off at the end of the month is quick. It’s remarkable how it’s taken the pressure off everyone’s lives. I really like that it’s a kiwi company too; I think that’s important. They’ve made it simple for everyone, which is the key.” MyTrucking – taming the paper trail