Business North March 2023

68 | Research drives top results NIG Nutritionals is investing heavily in research and development; below, NIG Nutritionals’ CEO Leon Fung. from page 0 NIG Nutritionals PRODUCTION NIG Nutritionals’ CEO Leon Fung says while the company predominantly focuses on goat milk as its source of base nutrition, it also engages other product lines including organics as well as A2 protein and sheep milk products. “Our spray dryer is designed to make functional and nutritional base powders, and the plant is also good for trials and new product development purposes. We formulate a range of ingredients in a wet-mix system to create a homogenous liquid mix, then spray dry that to so-called nutritional base powder. “The best example of that is infant formula where the base powders are produced dealing with all the macro-nutrients, then the heat sensitive micro-nutrients required for the formulation are dry-blended prior to packing. We are proud to be one of the only two companies with a full value chain from raw milk supply to finished goods production in the dairy goat industry in New Zealand. We collect goat milk from our farms in the South Auckland and North Waikato regions, and all farms are close to our factory.” While goat milk has been around for the best part of thirty years in New Zealand it is now becoming increasingly recognised as an alternative dairy product, particularly for people allergic to cow milk protein. Goat milk contains only A2-type protein, which is easier to digest and causes less discomfort to people sensitive to cows’ milk, especially infants, which is why goat milk is frequently used in infant formula products. “New Image is investing heavily in research and product development,” says Leon. “For example, we have been working with the High-Value Nutrition platform on a $1.4 million project looking at the attributes and benefits of goat milk for adult nutrition. “Fat is the other attribute in goat milk and in dairy not all fats are the same. Cows tend to have a lot more long-chain fatty acids, which are harder to digest, and digested later in the gastric process. “Goat milk is short to medium chain predominant and that makes it much faster in digestibility and creates more of an energy response as it’s processed, rather than stored. We are also developing a goat milk butter product, which is creamy with a pleasant looking white color. Hopefully the product will be in the retail market soon.” On top of the nutritional benefits that dairy goat products can bring to consumers, the New Zealand government also very much supports dairy goat farming due to better sustainability. “Goat milk production results in 75% less methane and 95% less net carbon emission per kgMS than bovine milk, because of the nature of the ruminant. Goats are traditionally farmed in barns and there’s greater control of pasture and waterways access. I believe there’s lots of potentials in the dairy goat business.” Amtrade New Zealand Limited - Your Food Ingredient Supply Partner • Preservatives • Processing Aids • Mineral Salts • Sweeteners • Vitamins • Humectants • Nutraceutical Ingredients • Prebiotics & Probiotics • Proteins and Fibres • Leavening Agents • Acidity Regulators • Amino Acids • Emulsifiers • Fats & Oils • Hydrocolloids 09 579 6767 Proudly supporting New Image Group.