74 | PRODUCTION Southern Cross Horticulture Building a ‘fruitful partnership’ from page 70 Andrew says that the market demand for kiwifruit is strong and although in 2022 kiwifruit saw Covid-19 and climatic challenges causing labour shortages, inflation, and fruit quality issues Andrew is confident the industry continues to offer a bright future. “The structure of our industry allows an incredible amount of focus from each key participant in the supply chain – grower, post-harvest, and Zespri. This specialisation helps us deliver an excellent product to consumers globally.” With a permanent team of over 100 people, and a seasonal team of up to 300, SCH provides a unique end-to-end offering, allowing it to tightly control every aspect of the development and operation of world-class kiwifruit orchards. The company’s purpose is to enhance its team, customers, shareholders, and community. “This reflects what we believe are the responsibilities of a business in society,” says Andrew. “When we are the best we can be at creating and managing the world’s best kiwifruit orchards we have the most opportunity to enhance these four groups of people.” Andrew says SCH is focused on offering its team the maximum opportunity to grow their careers and is dedicated to maintaining a culture of both support and challenge. He says maintaining this culture involves an holistic approach to enable people to be the best they can be. After the challenges posed by Covid-19, he says that SCH is looking forward to a harvest kicking off in March with more labour. SCH Ongoing investment - page 76 has a range of positions available and people can apply via the company website. It’s the technology, engineering and grower-centric support that makes a New Zealand Frost Fan outstanding in its field. Fans for life Dan Gardner M +64 27 533 3343 | P +64 6 879 8312 | E info@nzfrostfans.com nzfrostfans.com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says its purpose is to enhance its team, customers, shareholders, and community.