Business North November 2022

| 109 COMMUNITY K’aute Pasifika Village The building anchoring the K’aute Pasifika Village in Hamilton’s town centre, the Fale, took two years to build. Based in Matangi, between Cambridge and Hamilton, Roo ing Solutions Waikato Ltd. has been operating for 38 years. Its owner Brian McLuskie has been in the roo ing business for close to 50 years. There’s not a lot he doesn’t knowwhen it comes to sorting out solutions for a roo ing job whether it’s remedial or a new build, and he’s equally at home ‘tanking’ (waterproo ing) an underground carpark, basement, or any other construction below ground. Being able to rely on the materials installed is essential when you’re in the waterproo ing business, and Roo ing Solutions has a longstanding relationship with Viking Roofspec whose materials are tested and certi ied as complete systems. They come with a robust warranty that they’re proud to stand by, and Brian knows he can rely on the technical support from their people on the ground on the rare occasion when something is amiss. For the last 10 years, most of Roo ing Solution’s work has been remediation; ixing mainly older buildings, both residential and commercial, including some government properties. Most old buildings with lat roofs have only one degree of pitch or less, many of which are now leaking. Today’s regulations require a minimum 3 degree pitch for steel roofs and 2 degrees for membrane roofs, whether it’s a new build or roof replacement: “You either have to pull the whole roof o and create a greater gradient at great expense and inconvenience, or where appropriate, we like to propose a warm roof overlay system,” says Brian. The roofing experts Once the existing roof has been deemed as structurally sound and with su icient pitch to still shed water, (and is a minimumof 15 years old as per the Building Act), they can install a waterproofed rigid insulation ‘layer’ (a warm roof overlay) over the top of the old roof without altering the pitch. Once installed to Viking’s speci ication, Viking provides a 20-year warranty which is a key component of the compliance process. “Apart from costing less, it means building inhabitants can carry on with their business without the added huge expense of re-locating themselves and their belongings. An operating theatre of a hospital is a classic example of where this re-roo ingmethodology provides huge bene its.” says Brian. Along with the remedial work, they do a lot of new builds by waterproo ing roofs, gutters, decks, and basements…whatever’s required to keep water out of the building for good. But it’s a project like the oval-shaped fale, the landmark building at the centre of the K’aute Pasi ika Community Hub in Hamilton, that presents just the sort of challenge Brian loves to take on. “The steep pitch required our installers to use harnesses full-time. It’s stimulating work and the inished result looks fantastic. We’ve had great feedback from everyone; especially when they see what we’ve been able to achieve with asphalt shingles,” says Brian. Brian’s wife Sandra runs the o ice together with Laneille Sionetali, and their son Glenn is part of the ive strong roo ing team; many of whomhave worked there for years. The long tenure of Brian’s sta is an indicator of the positive and inclusive culture of his unique team.